If you need to criticize a God that you don't believe exist, then you have been trolled.
/ 11 years ago
I think most people are criticizing the people who believe in such a non-existent god.
/ 13 years ago
now yall shut up and quit arguin over dumb stuff
/ 13 years ago
This would be true if god existed.
/ 10 years ago
Tx m
/ 11 years ago
god is good
/ 13 years ago
If god had a child outside of marriage it is proof of LUST
/ 13 years ago
Here's the problem with most of the statements above. Protestant theology teaches that God is the ultimate. He is the only God deserving of praise. If God DID NOT punish those who don't believe, DID NOT punish those who worship other things, (well that third one doesn't really make any biblical sense so I won't address that), DID NOT want people to dedicate their lives to Him and worship Him, then He would be no God at all. In true Protestant theology (and no, "no true scotsman" does not apply to the statement about Westboro Baptist Church, they're not Christians) since God is the greatest thing in the universe he must bring praise to........ you got it, himself. For God to give his own praise (or tell his creation to give their praise) to something other than God, that would be idolatry. The act of the sin itself is not what God is concerned about (this becomes evident throughout the ENTIRE bible not just the new testament ex Psalm 51). He is concerned about the heart behind it. The corrupt heart is what leads to the misplacement of praise. Since God's heart is not corrupt, and again, He is the greatest being in the universe, any sort of praise is rightfully His. So for Him to want that praise is not prideful in any way. Wrath is a sin when the heart behind it is wrong. God's wrath is a just and righteous wrath because He knows that He is the supreme and those who claim otherwise are wrong in His sight. And who's to stop God from that wrath? Biblical accounts of nations questioning God's authority (implicitly so) show us that humans NEVER win. So to challenge God in this is fine, but since his record is perfect, He has every reason to say He is the best (In the same way the person holding a world record for something is not prideful in saying they are the best in the world, they are simply stating a fact). This is all a response from a Protestant belief. Not trying to argue the truth of the belief, but simply stating what the belief is and how it is in stark contrast to the above post.
/ 13 years ago
I must know, which "god" are you talking about? Yahweh, God, or Allah? Because frankly, Abraham created monotheism, so 'he' created which ever "god" you are talking about. So does that mean you are worshiping the idea of which Abraham sent forth of your supposed "god" figure, or are you actually worshiping Abraham himself? Do tell!
/ 13 years ago
God never asked his people to give him money.
God punishes people for doubting him not believing in him.
If God wanted us to believe in him we all would simple as that.
God did nothing after 7 days. plus how is that sloth you don't do 7 days of hard work and then take one off you work 5 and take 2 off.
God doesnt care what we believe in if he did he would just abolish any and everything else.
You're Wrong
/ 13 years ago
You, my friend, are an idiot.
/ 13 years ago
does anyone on here know what the word sin means? it means "to miss the mark" or in other words; to miss the point! i think the person who posted that silly poster up there has really missed the point!
/ 13 years ago
You are incorrect.
Sin: "An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law"
Google ads are generally targeted to the user, and not the page..
/ 13 years ago
Totally dude! I see naked people and movies at the top of my page! HA! PORN!
/ 13 years ago
for lust... he did get Mary pregnant, and he put no ring on her finger
/ 13 years ago
Why is this picture titled "God breaks all 7 deadly sins" when there are only 6 statements, and of those 6 only 5 actually list sins? I think you would be hard pressed to find some form of lust or gluttony on god's part in religious texts.
/ 13 years ago
forgot despair and gluttony.
/ 13 years ago
Did God not make man in his own image? ;-)
/ 13 years ago
my Gis a god of wrath, on the wicked, he is a just God. My god is a jealous God, he loves us and wants us to love him back. My God is not greedy, Your church ios greedy, God asks us to give of our time and money to people who need it and to live below our means so that we can rely on him. My God is not proud, I was fearfully and wonderfully made, God deserves my praise more than any stupid pop star (who is proud). God is far from done working, God fulfilled his promise to Abraham, blessed his nation, sent Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins and short commings, rewarded those who have faith in him and hes just getting warmed up. Westboro Baptist Church doesnt NOT represent my God, there is nothing biblical in what they teach don't even care to see what is biblical
/ 13 years ago
If god isn't proud then why did he supposedly make man in his image? And god doesn't reward anyone anything. No prayer in the history of mankind has ever been answered. At least not in a way that couldn't be explained by common sense or chance. And I don't believe in a book written 2000 years ago by a bunch of men who wanted power and used it to obtain said power.
/ 13 years ago
"Westboro Baptist Church doesnt NOT represent my God..."?
Yeah, so youre basically saying, he does represent your god, and then calling your beliefs stupid. Good job.
/ 13 years ago
He meant does not.lol give the guy a grammatical break. haha
/ 13 years ago
The only thing that anyone has any knowledge of god doing is shit from the bible years ago. the promise to abraham? how do you know thats true? you dont! you just believe a fairy tale thats been beaten into your brain by your church and parents since your a kid. god has done nothing since then and if he did exist, is a huge fucking asshole.
/ 13 years ago
God: Do as I say, not as I do. I can't help being an ass.
/ 13 years ago
Lust and Gluttony?
/ 13 years ago
If A God let's his followers eat up all of his furry little friends when others who do not believe in said God are allowed to starve to death, it is proof of Gluttony
/ 13 years ago
This is wrong...god only worked 6 days....
/ 13 years ago
No he didn't.
/ 13 years ago
yes he did, "and on the seventh day he rested" Of course it fails to mention he's rested ever since
/ 13 years ago
I am pretty sure he has taken a permanent vacation after they, what was it they did, hung some carpenter from a cross for being an idiot?
/ 13 years ago
this god thing gives you way too much baggage
/ 11 years ago
/ 13 years ago
Please, rephrase as, "If god punished people for not believing him, etc." Don't put "would" in the "if" part of the sentence. Using dialect reduces the impact of your argument, which I love.
/ 13 years ago
I love how both sides of the god debate fail miserably at representing the arguments and beliefs of the other side. These are horrible arguments against the existence or even benevolence of God (or god). If you are going to enter into any debate (theological or otherwise) follow the first rule of argumentation, fairly representing the opposing side.
/ 13 years ago
Feel free to enlighten me.
/ 13 years ago
/ 13 years ago
Sure will do.
What it comes down to is massive amounts of equivocation.
In Christianity all sin is a perversion of that which was originally good, and for which God is the standard. So trying to argue that God sins is a fools errand that will inevitably lead to a fallacious argument. There are many arguments against Christianity however that do not end in such fallacies, educate yourselves and use these arguments instead and you shall find yourself in the company of people worth talking to.
/ 13 years ago
I prefer to deal with real evidence, hard fact, peer reviewed science and provable truth. When a Christian can actually dig up a couple of those, I'll consider that a real debate and pay attention. btw, I'm not going to hold my breath.
/ 13 years ago
most scientists don't have hard proof either! they have some evidence that can be perceived in many different ways. they have experiments that may or may not be correct and whose outcomes can not only be manipulated in any direction, but which can also be viewed in different contexts. their theories which are just that; can not be proven and many have holes in them so big a truck could drive through them! so you are right that there is no real debate; but it is for both sides that this is true!
/ 13 years ago
Lets look at this for a second:
Science: Has evidence
God: No evidence whatsoever
And that somehow validates the idea of god? Riiiight.
/ 13 years ago
there is plenty of evidence for God; evidence however is not proof! science also has a little evidence; again evidence is not proof! so neither way invalidates God or science!
/ 13 years ago
Definition of PROOF: Evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
/ 13 years ago
Also, you assume that your definition of God is correct and is without sin. How do you know that God doesn't sin? Just because it is a pre-requisite for your argument to work, doesn't mean that it makes it true.
/ 13 years ago
this is good... but, he worked for 6 days not 7, he rested on the 7th day.
/ 13 years ago
As much as I like this, I could argue that affixing human sentiments to a deity is not only an exercise in futility, but also immature.
/ 13 years ago
Saying an argument is futile pretty much applies to any debate with a Christian because I, nor you mostly likely, have never converted one to atheism even if we do "win."
/ 13 years ago
no atheist or agnostic or skeptic has ever won an argument with me, because i have never met one who can argue rationally or logically. they see themselves as smarter than a believer like me; therefore they have many perceptions about the nature of reality, themselves, and me. by having these preconceived notions most of which are very misguided they always loose the argument! we as humans are still learning about the nature of reality. watch the scientific documentary called the quantum activist to understand what i am speaking of! because we are still learning we must admit there are things we don't know or understand. like the possibility of God for instance. because we don't know the full nature of reality there is no way for anyone to win an argument about the full nature of reality!
by having these preconceived notions most of which are very misguided they always loose the argument!
You really have no concept of logic and deduction, do you.. what you just said makes no sense whatsoever.
because i have never met one who can argue rationally or logically.
I think you're confused, it is *you* who is not rational..
we as humans are still learning about the nature of reality.
No we aren't. Religion has no changed at all in thousands of years, there has been no such 'advancements'.
because we are still learning we must admit there are things we don't know or understand.
You should admit you're too stupid to understand science, which is why you're a hard headed religious nutcase who will refute any evidence shown to you simply because you want to ignore the obvious.
like the possibility of God for instance.
Possibility? Lol, you've been going on and on as if you know for certain that god(s) exist, now suddenly its been reduced to a mere possibility? How about you give a single iota of evidence that any god exists and we'll talk.
because we don't know the full nature of reality there is no way for anyone to win an argument about the full nature of reality!
Veryyy good, and at the same time you cannot disprove that smurfs don't exist, that CLEARLY proves they're real!
/ 13 years ago
religion changes all the time. it is also open to the changes going on in the universe. you can see how religion and spirituality have changed throughout the course of human history! i do know that God exists. science if it is true science which is the unbiased search for truth must be open to all possibilities! i understand science. i understand it is still young and flawed and learns a little more each day like most human undertakings. i also know that it does not understand even one tenth of the ultimate nature of reality. evidence is not proof. how many times have we heard this in court rooms? and evidence can always be interpreted like religion in more than one way. while evidence and proof are all fine and good there is a single enduring human truth about those matters; "if you believe something no proof is necessary, if you do not believe something no proof is sufficient"! smurfs could be real. i could argue that they exist from a certain point of veiw. they exist in someones mind, and on my television. your problem is that you think just because something exists in the mind that makes it less real than everything else. that so called logic could be argued with. God is real to me. i didn't reduce him to a mere possibility. i simply said that science if it is honest has to admit to the possibility of God. when i said we i was of course talking about humanity in general. so you have yet to win this argument using logic or reason!
/ 13 years ago
I've converted several Christians actually, it's not hard, just point out some of Christianity's many flaws and they see the light.. :)
/ 13 years ago
i doubt that is true. and if you did convert someone to being an idiot and falling for anything because they stand for nothing; than they were not true believers to begin with! you could never convert a true believer like me, to give up what i know to be real and true, or the truth and reality of my life experiences. a person who does not live by their own truth and experiences is a fool!
/ 13 years ago
You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you.
First off, yes I did. Secondly, not believing in god(s) does not mean you 'stand for nothing'.
you could never convert a true believer like me
This just proves that you're a close minded idiot who will ignore facts, even when they slap you in the face.
a person who does not live by their own truth and experiences is a fool!
You've created your own delusional world, that's a shame.
/ 13 years ago
being a skeptic about everything means that you have a closed mind. in my reality almost anything is possible!
/ 13 years ago
being a skeptic about everything means that you have a closed mind.
Lol, yeah, seeking the truth makes me close minded. You on the other hand will accept anything/everything without questioning how real it is.
in my reality almost anything is possible!
Correction, in your *delusion* anything is possible.
/ 13 years ago
you are the delusional fool who does not have any idea what they are talking about! you ignore facts and truths because you can't explain them away with science or understand them!
/ 13 years ago
/ 13 years ago
Did somebody say someone was immature?
/ 13 years ago
Christians have had 2000 years to formulate responses to common-sense arguments against their theology. If the fact that the Bible says that God told his people to commit multiple acts of genocide and how to have laws on slavery, and Christians still don't see that the Bible is not from a supernatural divine thinker, I'm afraid this will only be entertainment for those of us who know better.
/ 13 years ago
Does a creator not have the right to destroy its creation? Does God not have the right to envy when those that He loves devote themselves to others (I consider it an act of kindness that He allows us to live when we do so), in fact, the Bible makes it clear that zeal for God is a good thing and that envy is wrong simply because we put our human selves at a level or more importance when we are no more important than anybody (yet God clearly is). God doesn't benefit from money; He wants us to give so that the Church can use its resources to help spread the Gospel. My response to pride is similar to envy-- that pride is wrong because we put ourselves above others, but God truly is. It's not an opinion of God so much as a factual statement (from God's standpoint). The sloth comment is just ignorance on your behalf. The Westboro comment just shows that we are subject to the things of this world. It's the same reason there are starving children. If someone were to lose their faith in God because there are idiots in this world then they should be considered among them.
/ 13 years ago
Wow, you came up with all that as absolute truth just from reading some old tribal mythologies.
/ 13 years ago
ya and it is way easier to see truth in those mythologies as you call them, than you think. the truth is really in there! the word myth does not mean something untrue. it refers to a traditional story or theme. at least those tribal myths hold life lessons worth learning which is more than i can say for most so called scientific theories.
/ 13 years ago
Science has provided everything you see in your life.
That computer you're using? Science. That car you drive? Science. The water coming from your kitchen sink? Science. Go to the hospital to cure an ailment? Science.
Religion has brought nothing to the table.
/ 13 years ago
religion has brought everything to the table. it is everything that matters. this technology you speak of doesn't really matter, and science did not provide any of it. it was the people behind the science who did this, and the creator who allowed them to do it!
You mean it's forced everyone to the table, by threatening to kill all those who do not convert (Crusades).
this technology you speak of doesn't really matter, and science did not provide any of it.
You are not just wrong, you're a liar.
it was the people behind the science who did this
People merely use the tools of science at their disposal.
the creator who allowed them to do it!
Since there is no creator (prove me wrong), you are incorrect.
/ 13 years ago
no i am right. and i am not killing anyone. but science is killing plenty of people right now and so is so-called western medicine. religion has never killed any one. people who claim to be religious have killed people. you know the old argument. it is not guns that kill people, it is people that kill people! however faulty science applied at the wrong time is killing people. hopefully good science will help just as many and more in the future!
/ 13 years ago
but science is killing plenty of people right now and so is so-called western medicine.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Wow, you've got to be the stupidest idiot ever.
Next time you break a bone, or get in a car crash, don't go to the hospital. Instead, just pray to your god. See how that works out for you.
/ 13 years ago
You do realise that we are un-interesting, under-developed random combinations of carbon, sitting on a boring piece of space dust, orbiting a tiny ball of hydrogen, in a rather unpopulated corner of a massive galaxy, which is barely noticeable in an enormous universe. We are not special. Get over yourself.
But by your comment you seem rather un-educated, so you most probably don't understand this statement. Go and read the bible, properly. All of these statements are clearly re-inforced through out the story book.
/ 13 years ago
joseph campbell who did not believe in a personal god, said that because we are so small in the scheme of the universe, it is exactly what makes us so special! watch the power of myth to hear his reasoning. it is a fascinating logic! and by the way the story book as you call it does not clearly re-inforce those statements at all! the english version of the bible is very mistranslated from the original languages!
/ 13 years ago
So people praise a mistranslated book.. if god has so much power, what's stopping him from telling everyone himself what to believe... seems like a trivial task on his part..
/ 13 years ago
why should a loving God tell us anything or reveal himself to us at all? then we would be forced to believe in him and that would take away or free will! i like my free will; it was a great gift He gave me! and we still know what books said in their original languages. and people are still working on more accurate translations in modern languages!
why should a loving God tell us anything or reveal himself to us at all?
To avoid all the confusion and conflict that arises from the complete lack of guidance humans get. Humans believe in hundreds (if not thousands) of different gods, have different morals and kill each other over these disagreements. If god(s) do exist, they're assholes for letting this happen. Luckily, they don't.
then we would be forced to believe in him and that would take away or free will!
Considering your religion says that I must love your god, or I go to hell, why bother giving humans free will at all?
He gave me!
Does your god have a penis? Why is your god male? Does he reproduce with it?
people are still working on more accurate translations in modern languages!
Lol. Good job writing a book that people have such a hard time understanding that it takes thousands of years to dissipater...
/ 13 years ago
no humans are the ass holes for doing it to themselves! my religion doesn't say that. you have been told that my religion says that. no one who really understands my religion says that. God doesn't send people to hell. he gives all of us choices and we choose to go there or not! He She either would work. God is not a masculine word, despite modern popular beliefs. God is pure spirit. i don't like using the term it, so he is what i usually use. but she could work also! the people who wrote it understood it. it is us in modern times with faulty english translations that are playing catch-up. i think God gave us brains and he expects us to use them. but humans don't seem to like to that. instead of trying to blame religion or a God you say doesn't exist, why not take responsibility for yourself and hold people accountable for what they do to themselves and each other?
/ 13 years ago
God doesn't send people to hell.
Good thing you know better than everyone else eh? amazing how you're such an expert and all other religious people know something different.
Feel free to tell me how you *know* such things. Got any proof god doesn't send people to hell?
/ 13 years ago
You are what atoms do for fun.
/ 13 years ago
Hahaha, so true.
/ 13 years ago
Does a creator not have the right to destroy its creation?
Does a mother have the right to kill her 5 year old son?
Don't ask stupid fucking questions...
/ 13 years ago
*throws self on floor floopin and feelin the spirit*
/ 13 years ago
Somebody grab this man a towel! Hurry, boil up some water! The lord has sent this man a DEMON!
/ 13 years ago
Dude the catholic church invented the seven deadly sins, in fact im pretty sure God has absolutely nothing to do with any concept of sin. Wtf is sin is my basic argument.
/ 13 years ago
you don't know how right you are my friend,the catholic church wrote the bible in latin so that people could not read their fairytales,they invented god just to get money,money,money so that they could finance their pedophile organisation
/ 13 years ago
Then in the early 1600's, King James re-wrote the Bible with the help of none other William Shakespeare! Look at the King James version of the Bible, a lot of the 'important' stories are written in iambic pentameter which made them easy to convert into a stage performance for the commoners to enjoy; e.g. keeping them dumb and happy.
/ 13 years ago
You're right.. Imaginary creature can't have anything to do with anything.
/ 13 years ago
Its a time in a young boys life when...
/ 13 years ago
sin means to miss the mark or miss the point!
/ 13 years ago
Some of these are ok, some of these are forced. Like the sloth. And I'm sorry but the last one isn't a valid argument in any shape or form.
That would be like calling all atheists stupid for letting dumb little posts like this try and represent our world outlook.
/ 13 years ago
I wish I could like this 1000 times
/ 13 years ago
Obviously you have never met Him.
/ 13 years ago
those are only 5, where are lust and gluttony?
/ 13 years ago
If god wants an endless supply of goats scarified to him, it is proof of gluttony
/ 13 years ago
More goats are required!!!!
/ 13 years ago
as for lust, just look at any catholic priest and the choir boy
/ 13 years ago
Dont keep comparing God to people!!lol Preists are not God. And people dont have to sacrifice goats anymore. I doubt he ate them anyway.lol
/ 13 years ago
yeah.. god can't be dead! lol
/ 13 years ago
He can be just as dead as Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy...
And just as dead as any other made up fake as shit tool of manipulation used to control and enslave your mind to the will of those who wish to own you and extort you for a free ride through life.
/ 13 years ago
i find that atheistic scientists and the governments of the world are who wants to control my mind. but then i do not belong to a religion where i have to answer to some pope like figure either. and santa, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy are all alive and well. i have seen them many times on my t.v. as of late! lol
/ 13 years ago
santa, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy are all alive and well. i have seen them many times on my t.v. as of late! lol
That's more than you can say of any god(s), of which, no one has ever seen them.. since they don't exist.
/ 13 years ago
i have seen God, and also many of the spiritual beings that other people call gods. i have had very real encounters with them! and i know many many more people who have! so you are wrong about that!
/ 13 years ago
No you haven't. You aren't convincing anyone, stop lying to yourself.
You know.. I look at humanity sometimes.. And sometimes.. just sometimes.. I think to myself..
/ 13 years ago
Why not?
/ 13 years ago
those are the 7 DEADLY SINS
god can`t be dead... do ur research
/ 13 years ago
i read this book by this guy Nietzsche who said god was dead. IT WAS IN A BOOK IT MUST BE REAL!
/ 13 years ago
i read this book by this guys Enoc, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and many others who said god is alive. IT WAS IN ABOOK IT MUST BE REAL!
/ 13 years ago
they were on the herb
/ 13 years ago
Lol, god can't be dead... research will show nothing since there's no proof god even exists in the first place.
/ 13 years ago
Is being a FUCKING IDIOT a deadly sin then? lol Great stuff. Fuckin Christian wankers will ignore it - of course.
/ 13 years ago
God doesn’t punish people for not believing in him. He doesn’t send people to hell they choose to live in hell on earth and then recreate it for themselves when they die. Because He is a merciful, kind, and loving He gives us freedom to do as we will. He could coerce us to believe in him and he doesn’t. However he does let the universe punish the wicked for their evil. That is not wrath, that is justice; and I love that people get what they deserve. So you failed to prove wrath! Remember the English version of the bible is very mistranslated, and the concepts are not exactly the same as they were to the people who originally wrote the bible.
God doesn’t punish people for believing in a different God. 80% of earth’s population believes in a divine source. Yet most of them perceive it very differently from each other. God is the lover of our souls, and yes he can be jealous of our attentions, and devotions like a good lover should be. I want my lover to be jealous of me! if they aren’t then that is a sign that they don’t really care about me. but the punishment for believing in false gods doesn’t come from True God. That punishment comes from us; what we are denying ourselves. A love and a peace that people who have not experienced True God can even begin to fathom.
God never asked for us to pay our congregations lots of money. Tithes are supposed to be free will love offerings to help keep the temple up and going and take care of our various ministers and priests who give of their time, their lives, and their energies to help keep us nourished spiritually, mentally, emotionally; which helps us to live in balance and harmony. It was humans who started tithe payments. God did not make it a punishable offense not to pay. It became a taboo not to pay. And rightly so! If I am going to a temple every week to meet some internal needs and wants that I have, then why shouldn’t I pay to keep it functioning? And it is considered just as valid to give your money to charity! So you have failed to prove greed!
If you think worship is about pride than you do not even have a clue as to what worship is; or is all about. If you haven’t experienced True God and don’t know Him than you can’t hope to understand. Worship is for our benefit not his. To worship and to pray is to communicate with the lover of our souls. It is the most intimate, sensual, beautiful, sacred, awesome, healing, and nurturing communication; and expression of the Love we have for God, and He has for us! in ancient times the people going to the temple would be smudged with incense smoke made of essential oils. This process was how Israel received inoculation from disease and plague! Worshiping God is not us giving Him what He needs, it is further proof of his limitless kindness; because he gives us what we need inside! Atheists, skeptics, and agnostics will never understand this simple truth. They can’t comprehend, even a portion of what I am talking about because they are so arrogant and lost in their own delusions of what they perceive reality to be. Reality is very different than what any non-believer thinks that it is! And the more people rail against God the more, I know Him to be real and true! By speaking against Him or his followers they are just proving Him all the more! So you have failed to prove pride. God and me wanting to speak to each other, and show love to each other is not an act of pride. Though I am proud to be His child!
God spent six days working; six not seven. We all know they are not literal days as we measure time. God tells us in the bible that he measures time differently than we do. If we are to take every word in the bible literally which God never intended; than He even tells us how He measures it differently. And since when did the bible ever say that He just sits around and does nothing. I take breaks when I am working, and so do you! We all have days off! So what? God is always doing something be making the universe exist and holding it all together. So I would not call that sloth! You have failed to prove sloth! In fact so far you have not proven a single allegation against God.
Westboro Baptist church is not a Christian Church. They do not follow the teachings of Yashua Christ. In fact never have I ever heard them speak his name. They use the word God and try and live by old testament laws. They are actually trying to be old testament jews but they fail at that as well. They do not follow the teachings of either the old testament or the new. They pick and choose what few parts they want to out of the whole. You can’t take something out of context and expect it to work. If they followed all the teachings of the old testament than they would have to leave their neighbors alone and not trouble them. nor would they spew forth such hatred towards them. if they followed the teachings of Christ; there is no way they could or would do or say the things they do or say. Westboro crazies try to make the bible validate their irrational hatred and fear of people different than themselves. I think it all started because the man who started the church was molested by a pedophile, or he is gay and can’t come to terms with it. we know that he has abused his children and grandchildren. Most of his children keep that abuse cycle going with their own brainwashed children. it is probable that the man who started westboro also molested his children. These westboro so called people to not speak for either the christian religion, or for God, of for His followers! So you have failed to prove your theory that God is an idiot! God is by His nature Wise!
So you have failed to prove in any way your theory that God has broken the so called seven deadly sins. And by the way; the seven deadly sins are called so, not because God punishes for those sins more. They are called deadly because they have literal earthly deadly consequences for us in a very real physical sense. Being fat and lazy can lead to obesity, many other health problems, and death. Being greedy, prideful, or telling people the wrong bit of gossip at the wrong time can get you killed. Being overly angered can cause you to kill someone and then be sentenced to death under the law. This is what is meant by deadly sins!
And to the person who mentioned genocide and slavery in the bible; I am so sick of hearing that pathetic argument. Seriously get a life and try again. it is more than possible that Israel tried to validate its actions of war or killing by saying God told them to. We all tell ourselves what we want to hear to justify our actions. Many of the nations they killed were trying to kill them. so lets put war and genocide in the proper historical context! And many of the nations were also, so wicked and deteriorated that they were murdering their own children in sacrifice to false gods and raping, and killing each other in the streets. So lets see all of that for what it was. A bunch of human tragedies brought on by humans, not by God. But God is always a convienient scape-goat now isn’t He? It is always nice and comforting to have some one else to blame for the crap that we do!
And as for the laws about slaves. What kind of slaves are we talking about. Indentured servants working off debts? Bond-servants who were treated as adopted members of the family and were working for the family? Are we talking about actual slaves as we think of them? if you are referring to Christ and what he said to slaves; slavery was the reality of the era in which he lived. He merely told slaves how to behave in a manner not only spiritually befitting them, but how they could act so as to be treated as best as possible during an era in human history were slavery as just a reality and a fact of life. by the way slavery still goes on. And black people are not the only people to have ever been slaves. Almost every culture has been slaves and enslaved others at one point or another in their history! And Christ also told slave owners how to justly treat their slaves. And ultimately if they were following his teachings then they had to free their slaves! “treat others as you would want to be treated”, “you reap what you sew”, “Love your neighbor as you Love yourself”! So person who brought slavery and genocide up; you don’t know better, and really you don’t sound as if you know anything at all!
/ 13 years ago
You're missing 2 sins, moron.
/ 13 years ago
fck i hate christians
/ 13 years ago
well then that makes you silly and a little pathetic, but i love you back anyway! it is silly to waste your love on people you don't like. true hate can only spring from something that you once loved. because it takes so much energy and passion to keep that hate going! so you are really just loving something in a different way when you hate it! it would be better to get over it, or become apathetic about it rather than hate it! at least that way you are not wasting your energies and passions on it!
/ 13 years ago
that makes you silly and a little pathetic, but i love you back anyway!
You call someone pathetic, then tell them you love them? You have no concept of love.
it is silly to waste your love on people you don't like.
You just said you love him.... wtf.
true hate can only spring from something that you once loved.
No it doesn't. I hate pedophiles, rapists and murderers... I have never loved any of the above.
so you are really just loving something in a different way when you hate it!
You're an idiot.
become apathetic about it rather than hate it!
Yup, you're an idiot.
/ 13 years ago
what you describe about rapists and such is not hate. that is despising or loathing. hate is another form of passion. passion takes energy and time. so you really only hate what you once loved. when i said but i love you anyway; i was obviously being sarcastic! you do not seem to understand what hate and love really are! why would you want to be passionate about murderers and rapists? i would rather feel nothing for them or waste my energies on them because they are less than nothing to me and do not deserve my passion! it seems to me that you are the idiot!
/ 13 years ago
what you describe about rapists and such is not hate. that is despising or loathing
Thank you for tell me what I feel, apparently you know how i feel about things (wtf?)
so you really only hate what you once loved
No. I'm not going to repeat myself, you are completely mistaken and are projecting your own retarded feelings.
you do not seem to understand what hate and love really are!
Incorrect, you don't.
why would you want to be passionate about murderers and rapists?
Are you mental? I said I hate them, I never said I was passionate about them, you did.
it seems to me that you are the idiot!
You're wrong a lot, you know that?
/ 13 years ago
by the way i didn't tell you what you felt. i told you that you were using the wrong words to describe what you felt!
/ 13 years ago
hate is passion freak! hate is a passionate emotion. it's in a thousand books, and songs, and movies...so obviously they are not my special feelings because that belief is shared by thousands of other people!
/ 13 years ago
But you can't help but loving the Jesus... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFu8vtVxKzM
love this
Proof some people don't know God.
People are sinner's Not God.
God created sinners, sounds like a sin to me...
If you need to criticize a God that you don't believe exist, then you have been trolled.
I think most people are criticizing the people who believe in such a non-existent god.
now yall shut up and quit arguin over dumb stuff
This would be true if god existed.
Tx m
god is good
If god had a child outside of marriage it is proof of LUST
Here's the problem with most of the statements above. Protestant theology teaches that God is the ultimate. He is the only God deserving of praise. If God DID NOT punish those who don't believe, DID NOT punish those who worship other things, (well that third one doesn't really make any biblical sense so I won't address that), DID NOT want people to dedicate their lives to Him and worship Him, then He would be no God at all. In true Protestant theology (and no, "no true scotsman" does not apply to the statement about Westboro Baptist Church, they're not Christians) since God is the greatest thing in the universe he must bring praise to........ you got it, himself. For God to give his own praise (or tell his creation to give their praise) to something other than God, that would be idolatry. The act of the sin itself is not what God is concerned about (this becomes evident throughout the ENTIRE bible not just the new testament ex Psalm 51). He is concerned about the heart behind it. The corrupt heart is what leads to the misplacement of praise. Since God's heart is not corrupt, and again, He is the greatest being in the universe, any sort of praise is rightfully His. So for Him to want that praise is not prideful in any way. Wrath is a sin when the heart behind it is wrong. God's wrath is a just and righteous wrath because He knows that He is the supreme and those who claim otherwise are wrong in His sight. And who's to stop God from that wrath? Biblical accounts of nations questioning God's authority (implicitly so) show us that humans NEVER win. So to challenge God in this is fine, but since his record is perfect, He has every reason to say He is the best (In the same way the person holding a world record for something is not prideful in saying they are the best in the world, they are simply stating a fact). This is all a response from a Protestant belief. Not trying to argue the truth of the belief, but simply stating what the belief is and how it is in stark contrast to the above post.
I must know, which "god" are you talking about? Yahweh, God, or Allah? Because frankly, Abraham created monotheism, so 'he' created which ever "god" you are talking about. So does that mean you are worshiping the idea of which Abraham sent forth of your supposed "god" figure, or are you actually worshiping Abraham himself? Do tell!
God never asked his people to give him money.
God punishes people for doubting him not believing in him.
If God wanted us to believe in him we all would simple as that.
God did nothing after 7 days. plus how is that sloth you don't do 7 days of hard work and then take one off you work 5 and take 2 off.
God doesnt care what we believe in if he did he would just abolish any and everything else.
You're Wrong
You, my friend, are an idiot.
does anyone on here know what the word sin means? it means "to miss the mark" or in other words; to miss the point! i think the person who posted that silly poster up there has really missed the point!
You are incorrect.
Sin: "An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law"
that is a modern definition not the original!
Hahahaha, riiight. You're a scolar of the English language are you?
no but i love to listen to scholars! that is where i learned that little factoid. from a linguistic religious scholar!
lol @ religious scholar
I love that the Regent University and Christian Mingle have ads on this page.
Google ads are generally targeted to the user, and not the page..
Totally dude! I see naked people and movies at the top of my page! HA! PORN!
for lust... he did get Mary pregnant, and he put no ring on her finger
Why is this picture titled "God breaks all 7 deadly sins" when there are only 6 statements, and of those 6 only 5 actually list sins? I think you would be hard pressed to find some form of lust or gluttony on god's part in religious texts.
forgot despair and gluttony.
Did God not make man in his own image? ;-)
my Gis a god of wrath, on the wicked, he is a just God. My god is a jealous God, he loves us and wants us to love him back. My God is not greedy, Your church ios greedy, God asks us to give of our time and money to people who need it and to live below our means so that we can rely on him. My God is not proud, I was fearfully and wonderfully made, God deserves my praise more than any stupid pop star (who is proud). God is far from done working, God fulfilled his promise to Abraham, blessed his nation, sent Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins and short commings, rewarded those who have faith in him and hes just getting warmed up. Westboro Baptist Church doesnt NOT represent my God, there is nothing biblical in what they teach don't even care to see what is biblical
If god isn't proud then why did he supposedly make man in his image? And god doesn't reward anyone anything. No prayer in the history of mankind has ever been answered. At least not in a way that couldn't be explained by common sense or chance. And I don't believe in a book written 2000 years ago by a bunch of men who wanted power and used it to obtain said power.
Yeah, so youre basically saying, he does represent your god, and then calling your beliefs stupid. Good job.
He meant does not.lol give the guy a grammatical break. haha
The only thing that anyone has any knowledge of god doing is shit from the bible years ago. the promise to abraham? how do you know thats true? you dont! you just believe a fairy tale thats been beaten into your brain by your church and parents since your a kid. god has done nothing since then and if he did exist, is a huge fucking asshole.
God: Do as I say, not as I do. I can't help being an ass.
Lust and Gluttony?
If A God let's his followers eat up all of his furry little friends when others who do not believe in said God are allowed to starve to death, it is proof of Gluttony
This is wrong...god only worked 6 days....
No he didn't.
yes he did, "and on the seventh day he rested" Of course it fails to mention he's rested ever since
I am pretty sure he has taken a permanent vacation after they, what was it they did, hung some carpenter from a cross for being an idiot?
this god thing gives you way too much baggage
Please, rephrase as, "If god punished people for not believing him, etc." Don't put "would" in the "if" part of the sentence. Using dialect reduces the impact of your argument, which I love.
I love how both sides of the god debate fail miserably at representing the arguments and beliefs of the other side. These are horrible arguments against the existence or even benevolence of God (or god). If you are going to enter into any debate (theological or otherwise) follow the first rule of argumentation, fairly representing the opposing side.
Feel free to enlighten me.
Sure will do.
What it comes down to is massive amounts of equivocation.
In Christianity all sin is a perversion of that which was originally good, and for which God is the standard. So trying to argue that God sins is a fools errand that will inevitably lead to a fallacious argument. There are many arguments against Christianity however that do not end in such fallacies, educate yourselves and use these arguments instead and you shall find yourself in the company of people worth talking to.
I prefer to deal with real evidence, hard fact, peer reviewed science and provable truth. When a Christian can actually dig up a couple of those, I'll consider that a real debate and pay attention. btw, I'm not going to hold my breath.
most scientists don't have hard proof either! they have some evidence that can be perceived in many different ways. they have experiments that may or may not be correct and whose outcomes can not only be manipulated in any direction, but which can also be viewed in different contexts. their theories which are just that; can not be proven and many have holes in them so big a truck could drive through them! so you are right that there is no real debate; but it is for both sides that this is true!
Lets look at this for a second:
Science: Has evidence
God: No evidence whatsoever
And that somehow validates the idea of god? Riiiight.
there is plenty of evidence for God; evidence however is not proof! science also has a little evidence; again evidence is not proof! so neither way invalidates God or science!
Definition of PROOF: Evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
Also, you assume that your definition of God is correct and is without sin. How do you know that God doesn't sin? Just because it is a pre-requisite for your argument to work, doesn't mean that it makes it true.
this is good... but, he worked for 6 days not 7, he rested on the 7th day.
As much as I like this, I could argue that affixing human sentiments to a deity is not only an exercise in futility, but also immature.
Saying an argument is futile pretty much applies to any debate with a Christian because I, nor you mostly likely, have never converted one to atheism even if we do "win."
no atheist or agnostic or skeptic has ever won an argument with me, because i have never met one who can argue rationally or logically. they see themselves as smarter than a believer like me; therefore they have many perceptions about the nature of reality, themselves, and me. by having these preconceived notions most of which are very misguided they always loose the argument! we as humans are still learning about the nature of reality. watch the scientific documentary called the quantum activist to understand what i am speaking of! because we are still learning we must admit there are things we don't know or understand. like the possibility of God for instance. because we don't know the full nature of reality there is no way for anyone to win an argument about the full nature of reality!
You really have no concept of logic and deduction, do you.. what you just said makes no sense whatsoever.
I think you're confused, it is *you* who is not rational..
No we aren't. Religion has no changed at all in thousands of years, there has been no such 'advancements'.
You should admit you're too stupid to understand science, which is why you're a hard headed religious nutcase who will refute any evidence shown to you simply because you want to ignore the obvious.
Possibility? Lol, you've been going on and on as if you know for certain that god(s) exist, now suddenly its been reduced to a mere possibility? How about you give a single iota of evidence that any god exists and we'll talk.
Veryyy good, and at the same time you cannot disprove that smurfs don't exist, that CLEARLY proves they're real!
religion changes all the time. it is also open to the changes going on in the universe. you can see how religion and spirituality have changed throughout the course of human history! i do know that God exists. science if it is true science which is the unbiased search for truth must be open to all possibilities! i understand science. i understand it is still young and flawed and learns a little more each day like most human undertakings. i also know that it does not understand even one tenth of the ultimate nature of reality. evidence is not proof. how many times have we heard this in court rooms? and evidence can always be interpreted like religion in more than one way. while evidence and proof are all fine and good there is a single enduring human truth about those matters; "if you believe something no proof is necessary, if you do not believe something no proof is sufficient"! smurfs could be real. i could argue that they exist from a certain point of veiw. they exist in someones mind, and on my television. your problem is that you think just because something exists in the mind that makes it less real than everything else. that so called logic could be argued with. God is real to me. i didn't reduce him to a mere possibility. i simply said that science if it is honest has to admit to the possibility of God. when i said we i was of course talking about humanity in general. so you have yet to win this argument using logic or reason!
I've converted several Christians actually, it's not hard, just point out some of Christianity's many flaws and they see the light.. :)
i doubt that is true. and if you did convert someone to being an idiot and falling for anything because they stand for nothing; than they were not true believers to begin with! you could never convert a true believer like me, to give up what i know to be real and true, or the truth and reality of my life experiences. a person who does not live by their own truth and experiences is a fool!
You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you.
First off, yes I did. Secondly, not believing in god(s) does not mean you 'stand for nothing'.
This just proves that you're a close minded idiot who will ignore facts, even when they slap you in the face.
You've created your own delusional world, that's a shame.
being a skeptic about everything means that you have a closed mind. in my reality almost anything is possible!
Lol, yeah, seeking the truth makes me close minded. You on the other hand will accept anything/everything without questioning how real it is.
Correction, in your *delusion* anything is possible.
you are the delusional fool who does not have any idea what they are talking about! you ignore facts and truths because you can't explain them away with science or understand them!
Did somebody say someone was immature?
Christians have had 2000 years to formulate responses to common-sense arguments against their theology. If the fact that the Bible says that God told his people to commit multiple acts of genocide and how to have laws on slavery, and Christians still don't see that the Bible is not from a supernatural divine thinker, I'm afraid this will only be entertainment for those of us who know better.
Does a creator not have the right to destroy its creation? Does God not have the right to envy when those that He loves devote themselves to others (I consider it an act of kindness that He allows us to live when we do so), in fact, the Bible makes it clear that zeal for God is a good thing and that envy is wrong simply because we put our human selves at a level or more importance when we are no more important than anybody (yet God clearly is). God doesn't benefit from money; He wants us to give so that the Church can use its resources to help spread the Gospel. My response to pride is similar to envy-- that pride is wrong because we put ourselves above others, but God truly is. It's not an opinion of God so much as a factual statement (from God's standpoint). The sloth comment is just ignorance on your behalf. The Westboro comment just shows that we are subject to the things of this world. It's the same reason there are starving children. If someone were to lose their faith in God because there are idiots in this world then they should be considered among them.
Wow, you came up with all that as absolute truth just from reading some old tribal mythologies.
ya and it is way easier to see truth in those mythologies as you call them, than you think. the truth is really in there! the word myth does not mean something untrue. it refers to a traditional story or theme. at least those tribal myths hold life lessons worth learning which is more than i can say for most so called scientific theories.
Science has provided everything you see in your life.
That computer you're using? Science. That car you drive? Science. The water coming from your kitchen sink? Science. Go to the hospital to cure an ailment? Science.
Religion has brought nothing to the table.
religion has brought everything to the table. it is everything that matters. this technology you speak of doesn't really matter, and science did not provide any of it. it was the people behind the science who did this, and the creator who allowed them to do it!
You mean it's forced everyone to the table, by threatening to kill all those who do not convert (Crusades).
You are not just wrong, you're a liar.
People merely use the tools of science at their disposal.
Since there is no creator (prove me wrong), you are incorrect.
no i am right. and i am not killing anyone. but science is killing plenty of people right now and so is so-called western medicine. religion has never killed any one. people who claim to be religious have killed people. you know the old argument. it is not guns that kill people, it is people that kill people! however faulty science applied at the wrong time is killing people. hopefully good science will help just as many and more in the future!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Wow, you've got to be the stupidest idiot ever.
Next time you break a bone, or get in a car crash, don't go to the hospital. Instead, just pray to your god. See how that works out for you.
You do realise that we are un-interesting, under-developed random combinations of carbon, sitting on a boring piece of space dust, orbiting a tiny ball of hydrogen, in a rather unpopulated corner of a massive galaxy, which is barely noticeable in an enormous universe. We are not special. Get over yourself.
But by your comment you seem rather un-educated, so you most probably don't understand this statement. Go and read the bible, properly. All of these statements are clearly re-inforced through out the story book.
joseph campbell who did not believe in a personal god, said that because we are so small in the scheme of the universe, it is exactly what makes us so special! watch the power of myth to hear his reasoning. it is a fascinating logic! and by the way the story book as you call it does not clearly re-inforce those statements at all! the english version of the bible is very mistranslated from the original languages!
So people praise a mistranslated book.. if god has so much power, what's stopping him from telling everyone himself what to believe... seems like a trivial task on his part..
why should a loving God tell us anything or reveal himself to us at all? then we would be forced to believe in him and that would take away or free will! i like my free will; it was a great gift He gave me! and we still know what books said in their original languages. and people are still working on more accurate translations in modern languages!
To avoid all the confusion and conflict that arises from the complete lack of guidance humans get. Humans believe in hundreds (if not thousands) of different gods, have different morals and kill each other over these disagreements. If god(s) do exist, they're assholes for letting this happen. Luckily, they don't.
Considering your religion says that I must love your god, or I go to hell, why bother giving humans free will at all?
Does your god have a penis? Why is your god male? Does he reproduce with it?
Lol. Good job writing a book that people have such a hard time understanding that it takes thousands of years to dissipater...
no humans are the ass holes for doing it to themselves! my religion doesn't say that. you have been told that my religion says that. no one who really understands my religion says that. God doesn't send people to hell. he gives all of us choices and we choose to go there or not! He She either would work. God is not a masculine word, despite modern popular beliefs. God is pure spirit. i don't like using the term it, so he is what i usually use. but she could work also! the people who wrote it understood it. it is us in modern times with faulty english translations that are playing catch-up. i think God gave us brains and he expects us to use them. but humans don't seem to like to that. instead of trying to blame religion or a God you say doesn't exist, why not take responsibility for yourself and hold people accountable for what they do to themselves and each other?
Good thing you know better than everyone else eh? amazing how you're such an expert and all other religious people know something different.
Feel free to tell me how you *know* such things. Got any proof god doesn't send people to hell?
You are what atoms do for fun.
Hahaha, so true.
Does a mother have the right to kill her 5 year old son?
Don't ask stupid fucking questions...
*throws self on floor floopin and feelin the spirit*
Somebody grab this man a towel! Hurry, boil up some water! The lord has sent this man a DEMON!
Dude the catholic church invented the seven deadly sins, in fact im pretty sure God has absolutely nothing to do with any concept of sin. Wtf is sin is my basic argument.
you don't know how right you are my friend,the catholic church wrote the bible in latin so that people could not read their fairytales,they invented god just to get money,money,money so that they could finance their pedophile organisation
Then in the early 1600's, King James re-wrote the Bible with the help of none other William Shakespeare! Look at the King James version of the Bible, a lot of the 'important' stories are written in iambic pentameter which made them easy to convert into a stage performance for the commoners to enjoy; e.g. keeping them dumb and happy.
You're right.. Imaginary creature can't have anything to do with anything.
Its a time in a young boys life when...
sin means to miss the mark or miss the point!
Some of these are ok, some of these are forced. Like the sloth. And I'm sorry but the last one isn't a valid argument in any shape or form.
That would be like calling all atheists stupid for letting dumb little posts like this try and represent our world outlook.
I wish I could like this 1000 times
Obviously you have never met Him.
those are only 5, where are lust and gluttony?
If god wants an endless supply of goats scarified to him, it is proof of gluttony
More goats are required!!!!
as for lust, just look at any catholic priest and the choir boy
Dont keep comparing God to people!!lol Preists are not God. And people dont have to sacrifice goats anymore. I doubt he ate them anyway.lol
yeah.. god can't be dead! lol
He can be just as dead as Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy...
And just as dead as any other made up fake as shit tool of manipulation used to control and enslave your mind to the will of those who wish to own you and extort you for a free ride through life.
i find that atheistic scientists and the governments of the world are who wants to control my mind. but then i do not belong to a religion where i have to answer to some pope like figure either. and santa, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy are all alive and well. i have seen them many times on my t.v. as of late! lol
That's more than you can say of any god(s), of which, no one has ever seen them.. since they don't exist.
i have seen God, and also many of the spiritual beings that other people call gods. i have had very real encounters with them! and i know many many more people who have! so you are wrong about that!
No you haven't. You aren't convincing anyone, stop lying to yourself.
yes i have!
Retard! Derp Derp!
You know.. I look at humanity sometimes.. And sometimes.. just sometimes.. I think to myself..
Why not?
those are the 7 DEADLY SINS
god can`t be dead... do ur research
i read this book by this guy Nietzsche who said god was dead. IT WAS IN A BOOK IT MUST BE REAL!
i read this book by this guys Enoc, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and many others who said god is alive. IT WAS IN ABOOK IT MUST BE REAL!
they were on the herb
Lol, god can't be dead... research will show nothing since there's no proof god even exists in the first place.
Is being a FUCKING IDIOT a deadly sin then? lol Great stuff. Fuckin Christian wankers will ignore it - of course.
God doesn’t punish people for not believing in him. He doesn’t send people to hell they choose to live in hell on earth and then recreate it for themselves when they die. Because He is a merciful, kind, and loving He gives us freedom to do as we will. He could coerce us to believe in him and he doesn’t. However he does let the universe punish the wicked for their evil. That is not wrath, that is justice; and I love that people get what they deserve. So you failed to prove wrath! Remember the English version of the bible is very mistranslated, and the concepts are not exactly the same as they were to the people who originally wrote the bible.
God doesn’t punish people for believing in a different God. 80% of earth’s population believes in a divine source. Yet most of them perceive it very differently from each other. God is the lover of our souls, and yes he can be jealous of our attentions, and devotions like a good lover should be. I want my lover to be jealous of me! if they aren’t then that is a sign that they don’t really care about me. but the punishment for believing in false gods doesn’t come from True God. That punishment comes from us; what we are denying ourselves. A love and a peace that people who have not experienced True God can even begin to fathom.
God never asked for us to pay our congregations lots of money. Tithes are supposed to be free will love offerings to help keep the temple up and going and take care of our various ministers and priests who give of their time, their lives, and their energies to help keep us nourished spiritually, mentally, emotionally; which helps us to live in balance and harmony. It was humans who started tithe payments. God did not make it a punishable offense not to pay. It became a taboo not to pay. And rightly so! If I am going to a temple every week to meet some internal needs and wants that I have, then why shouldn’t I pay to keep it functioning? And it is considered just as valid to give your money to charity! So you have failed to prove greed!
If you think worship is about pride than you do not even have a clue as to what worship is; or is all about. If you haven’t experienced True God and don’t know Him than you can’t hope to understand. Worship is for our benefit not his. To worship and to pray is to communicate with the lover of our souls. It is the most intimate, sensual, beautiful, sacred, awesome, healing, and nurturing communication; and expression of the Love we have for God, and He has for us! in ancient times the people going to the temple would be smudged with incense smoke made of essential oils. This process was how Israel received inoculation from disease and plague! Worshiping God is not us giving Him what He needs, it is further proof of his limitless kindness; because he gives us what we need inside! Atheists, skeptics, and agnostics will never understand this simple truth. They can’t comprehend, even a portion of what I am talking about because they are so arrogant and lost in their own delusions of what they perceive reality to be. Reality is very different than what any non-believer thinks that it is! And the more people rail against God the more, I know Him to be real and true! By speaking against Him or his followers they are just proving Him all the more! So you have failed to prove pride. God and me wanting to speak to each other, and show love to each other is not an act of pride. Though I am proud to be His child!
God spent six days working; six not seven. We all know they are not literal days as we measure time. God tells us in the bible that he measures time differently than we do. If we are to take every word in the bible literally which God never intended; than He even tells us how He measures it differently. And since when did the bible ever say that He just sits around and does nothing. I take breaks when I am working, and so do you! We all have days off! So what? God is always doing something be making the universe exist and holding it all together. So I would not call that sloth! You have failed to prove sloth! In fact so far you have not proven a single allegation against God.
Westboro Baptist church is not a Christian Church. They do not follow the teachings of Yashua Christ. In fact never have I ever heard them speak his name. They use the word God and try and live by old testament laws. They are actually trying to be old testament jews but they fail at that as well. They do not follow the teachings of either the old testament or the new. They pick and choose what few parts they want to out of the whole. You can’t take something out of context and expect it to work. If they followed all the teachings of the old testament than they would have to leave their neighbors alone and not trouble them. nor would they spew forth such hatred towards them. if they followed the teachings of Christ; there is no way they could or would do or say the things they do or say. Westboro crazies try to make the bible validate their irrational hatred and fear of people different than themselves. I think it all started because the man who started the church was molested by a pedophile, or he is gay and can’t come to terms with it. we know that he has abused his children and grandchildren. Most of his children keep that abuse cycle going with their own brainwashed children. it is probable that the man who started westboro also molested his children. These westboro so called people to not speak for either the christian religion, or for God, of for His followers! So you have failed to prove your theory that God is an idiot! God is by His nature Wise!
So you have failed to prove in any way your theory that God has broken the so called seven deadly sins. And by the way; the seven deadly sins are called so, not because God punishes for those sins more. They are called deadly because they have literal earthly deadly consequences for us in a very real physical sense. Being fat and lazy can lead to obesity, many other health problems, and death. Being greedy, prideful, or telling people the wrong bit of gossip at the wrong time can get you killed. Being overly angered can cause you to kill someone and then be sentenced to death under the law. This is what is meant by deadly sins!
And to the person who mentioned genocide and slavery in the bible; I am so sick of hearing that pathetic argument. Seriously get a life and try again. it is more than possible that Israel tried to validate its actions of war or killing by saying God told them to. We all tell ourselves what we want to hear to justify our actions. Many of the nations they killed were trying to kill them. so lets put war and genocide in the proper historical context! And many of the nations were also, so wicked and deteriorated that they were murdering their own children in sacrifice to false gods and raping, and killing each other in the streets. So lets see all of that for what it was. A bunch of human tragedies brought on by humans, not by God. But God is always a convienient scape-goat now isn’t He? It is always nice and comforting to have some one else to blame for the crap that we do!
And as for the laws about slaves. What kind of slaves are we talking about. Indentured servants working off debts? Bond-servants who were treated as adopted members of the family and were working for the family? Are we talking about actual slaves as we think of them? if you are referring to Christ and what he said to slaves; slavery was the reality of the era in which he lived. He merely told slaves how to behave in a manner not only spiritually befitting them, but how they could act so as to be treated as best as possible during an era in human history were slavery as just a reality and a fact of life. by the way slavery still goes on. And black people are not the only people to have ever been slaves. Almost every culture has been slaves and enslaved others at one point or another in their history! And Christ also told slave owners how to justly treat their slaves. And ultimately if they were following his teachings then they had to free their slaves! “treat others as you would want to be treated”, “you reap what you sew”, “Love your neighbor as you Love yourself”! So person who brought slavery and genocide up; you don’t know better, and really you don’t sound as if you know anything at all!
You're missing 2 sins, moron.
fck i hate christians
well then that makes you silly and a little pathetic, but i love you back anyway! it is silly to waste your love on people you don't like. true hate can only spring from something that you once loved. because it takes so much energy and passion to keep that hate going! so you are really just loving something in a different way when you hate it! it would be better to get over it, or become apathetic about it rather than hate it! at least that way you are not wasting your energies and passions on it!
You call someone pathetic, then tell them you love them? You have no concept of love.
You just said you love him.... wtf.
No it doesn't. I hate pedophiles, rapists and murderers... I have never loved any of the above.
You're an idiot.
Yup, you're an idiot.
what you describe about rapists and such is not hate. that is despising or loathing. hate is another form of passion. passion takes energy and time. so you really only hate what you once loved. when i said but i love you anyway; i was obviously being sarcastic! you do not seem to understand what hate and love really are! why would you want to be passionate about murderers and rapists? i would rather feel nothing for them or waste my energies on them because they are less than nothing to me and do not deserve my passion! it seems to me that you are the idiot!
Thank you for tell me what I feel, apparently you know how i feel about things (wtf?)
No. I'm not going to repeat myself, you are completely mistaken and are projecting your own retarded feelings.
Incorrect, you don't.
Are you mental? I said I hate them, I never said I was passionate about them, you did.
You're wrong a lot, you know that?
by the way i didn't tell you what you felt. i told you that you were using the wrong words to describe what you felt!
hate is passion freak! hate is a passionate emotion. it's in a thousand books, and songs, and movies...so obviously they are not my special feelings because that belief is shared by thousands of other people!
But you can't help but loving the Jesus... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFu8vtVxKzM
Well that version you can...
fuck yall niggas
fuck yall niggas