Why does Prime win for having more resurrections? More resurrections=More deaths.
/ 13 years ago
Optimus = Fictional
Jesus Christ = The Real Deal
/ 13 years ago
I'll go with Prime
/ 13 years ago
There is no such thing as an atheist. You can be a theinist, but not an atheist. To be an atheist you would have to search every single millimeter of the universe to be able to prove that God isn't real, it's almost like saying that there isn't a penny in a room. You would have to tear out the flooring and the walls, search every single square inch of the room to ensure that a penny wasn't in the room. Where as a theinist simply has the belief that God doesn't exist.
/ 13 years ago
You can be a theinist, but not an atheist. To be an atheist you would have to search every single millimeter of the universe to be able to prove that God isn't real
Do you believe in Thor? Zeus? Nike? Odin? The Sun god? Ra?
That's right, you're an atheist to all those gods.
Also, 'theinist' isn't a word.
/ 14 years ago
That Optimus prayer is pretty awesome. The rest of you are lame morons who have nothing better to do than argue about religion on the internet under a transformers joke. The point is that fictional Optimus Prime would whoop the ass of fictional Jesus. chill out nerds...
/ 14 years ago
wow 162 comments on religion and optimus prime XD
/ 14 years ago
/ 14 years ago
/ 13 years ago
And in His name millions were killed.
/ 14 years ago
how is this funny. insulting, but definately NOT funny.
/ 14 years ago
No this IS funny. Whats insulting is being told you're going to hell for not believing what someone else does.
/ 14 years ago
Optimus Prime is my deity :D
/ 14 years ago
I would just like to mention that on both sides of the previous conflict, there really is no hard evidence presented.
This is an unsolved topic, you couldn't possibly prove, or even come close to proving, that you are correct.
So... why bother
I mean, yea, I have an opinion on the matter, but by adding it i'm only going to then get some people calling me an idiot, and a few virtually patting me on the back.
I find no loss in not telling you what my view is, I would just like to let you know that all of yours, even the ones i agree with, can't be proven. You're wasting your time.
How do you know? Cause the bible says so? The bible says a lot of things, of which, very few are true.
/ 14 years ago
/ 14 years ago
Optimus Prime: Transforms into a giant truck. Jesus: Transforms water into wine.
/ 14 years ago
Hmmm seemed to miss something in character Aspects... EG "GOD" on purpose??? maybe because it is am ultimate trump?
/ 14 years ago
This is so wrong. I like Prime but to completely trash Jesus like that is wrong.
/ 14 years ago
WOW im suprised to see that some ppl actually beleive in animated robots from space more than scripture of a holy text. u should really do some soul searching because it is better to beleive in something rather than nothing at all.
/ 14 years ago
I'm surprised that some people believe fairy tales are actually hold texts. You should really do some soul searching because it's better to be a good person than it is to condemn people for not believing what you do.
/ 14 years ago
sorry meant to say *holy texts
/ 14 years ago
ever heard of the god helmet? google it! plus i dont believe in an almighty god, i believe there is spirit energy all around the world that we cannot see but can sometimes feel and use, i would love to be more spiritual but would never want to b more religious, if you want to believe in something then believe that our energy will live on within different things within or outside of this universe/plane/time, and why was there never any opposition to it being because of jesus tht we count it as the year 2010?
"it is better to beleive in something rather than nothing at all."
Not if what you believe is false.
/ 14 years ago
In the beginning was man. And man created God in the image of his childhood tv/merchandise cross marketing entity. And it was good.
/ 14 years ago
I couldn't like this on Facebook because there was 1337 facebook likes, check it: http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/897/dfdfsdas.jpg
/ 14 years ago
We have 49 types of loged Aliens so they say but how instesting the world is......Take care
/ 14 years ago
Jesus was an Alien Straight up. Thats the whole story.[AND THEN SOME]PLease write more to me .......Georgia ....... Take Care
/ 14 years ago
Aliens and the BIBLE go HAND IN HAND
E=EARTH Read it my yourself and hunt down paintings about 14 to 17 thousand years ago.Write back ok
/ 14 years ago
Too bad bible is a translation from another language and so thinking its an acronym in English makes no sense AT ALL.
/ 14 years ago
LOL at funny christian people, vigrousily fighting to protect the "truth", surely if your methods are so true and jesus did exsist, then wouldnt you just take a joke and laugh? not only that surely you wouldnt try and stress the fact that he exsists when you already "know" its true? its simple human psychology we all know your wrong
/ 14 years ago
/ 14 years ago
did optimus prime ever make the blind see? heal the sick?
/ 14 years ago
Did jesus ever transform into a super bad ass fighting alien robot truck?
Doctors dont heal SHIT, medicine does, the real Miracle nowadays is to actually AFFORD a decent doctor............
/ 14 years ago
everyone is reading to much into this it was done in fun and everyone is getting all bent out of shape over this? lmao
P.S I'm Jesus
/ 14 years ago
why not argue? its funner then just laughing at the joke! the same way as feeling down is better then feeling nothing right?
/ 14 years ago
Jesus is dead?
/ 14 years ago
Optimus Prime & Jesus have one thing in common - they are both Jewish.
/ 14 years ago
Our Optimus who art in space
Prime be added to thy name
the Decepticons come
protect us from harm
in earth as you did in Cybertron
Give us this day our daily energon
And forgive us our inablilty to transform
as we forgive those who cannot roll out with you.
And lead us not to deception;
but deliver us from Megatron
For all the bases are belong to you
/ 13 years ago
YOU. You are beast. <3 <3 <3
/ 14 years ago
he was 33, not 35.
/ 14 years ago
I have a crazy idea.. atheists are obviously proud to be atheists, christians are proud to be christians. christians, your job is not to prove others wrong but to try and gather people to believe and have faith. atheists, just continue believing in whatever you want to believe in. whatever makes you happy. but don't try to argue with Christians. we believe in what we believe in and there is nothing you can do or say to change that. just like how there isn't anything we can do to change your mind. so lets all drop it because this isn't going to go ANYWHERE.
/ 14 years ago
You're forgetting other differences between atheists and Christians. Atheists have not done anything to screw up the planet either. They have never killed people, condemned people or tried to take people's rights away. Atheists also have been proven to be more intelligent than believers.
/ 13 years ago
/ 14 years ago
um the Soviet Union was an athieistic state and it killed between 25 to 60 million people. speaking out of your ass like that makes you sound exactly like that which you seem to enjoy disrespecting with every breath. one might interpret that as self-righteous hypocricy. next time spend a couple of seconds on google, you know technology, your god.
/ 13 years ago
It was set-up as an "atheistic state" because no one was to have a higher authority then Stalin, not because they wanted to lose the morals of religion and go on a killing spree. Before you attribute all those millions as the deaths of a crazed atheist mass murderer, remember a huge portion of those people died during WWII not because Stalin felt like killing people. His Atheism has nothing to do with the number of atrocities inflicted by him. Religions have killed in the name of their religions, Stalin did it because he was a paranoid megalomaniac that held his position through fear and outright elimination of any potential threats.
An atheistic state? Dude, Atheism is "not believing in god". That means atheism is the same as "not collecting stamps", or "not driving a car". People don't do things in the name of their lack of something.
Those murders were entirely driven by political means and nothing else.
/ 14 years ago
hmm... really? Karl Marx was an athiest. so was Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, and Vladimir Lenin. millions of people lie dead because of them, and they have infringed more on human rights than just about anyone else in history. and as far as screwing up the planet goes... you're an idiot. I'm not a christian, I don't affiliate with any religion or ideology, but get your damn facts right before you go accusing other people and asserting you are more intelligent than "believers." Einstein believed in a creator(NOT EXACTLY GOD). you are absolutely not one of the intelligent athiests.
/ 14 years ago
Hitler was Catholic and he killed in the name of God, and Einstein barely escaped Hitler's persecution just to turn around and be the front runner for the creation of the atom bomb. Isn't if funny how things work out. If you just use this scenario alone to base your beliefs on, don't fuck with the Jews or they will crucify you or create a bomb and blow your country away.
1) none of those people killed in the name of "no god". they killed purely for political reasons. those people stood in the way of their power.
2) Einstein was not, in any way shape or form religious, and he did not believe in any gods. Stop spreading falsehoods.
/ 13 years ago
Einstein was religious in a way, he just wasn't Christian. He was Jewish, and he didn't like Athiests,
"The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry of the believer."
— Albert Einstein
in Goldman, p. vii
/ 14 years ago
But there are more Atheist assholes than Christian assholes. :P
/ 14 years ago
Bet that wouldn't be the case if Christians didn't have the threat of hell dangling over their heads over, even, the slightest transgression.
/ 14 years ago
I just have to throw a bit of a monkey wrench in here...you are referring to Atheists and Christians only...there are other beliefs out there...so let's put this in your mix and see what you all think...Organized Religion (not individual belief structures) is a greedy, power hungry, political beast...no matter what title is given to that religion...they all seek the same goal: "give us your will, your money, and convince you that we are the only ones who know the truth, and we promise you everlasting life beyond mortal death"...where as Atheist; in my understanding, believe nothing that cannot be seen...and then there are those like myself that believe what I will because it comforts me...I have no tangible proof for my belief, nor do I need it, or press my belief on others...Anyone who cares to argue should see the movie "Dogma". One of the best lines ever basically says it isn't what you believe in, it is that you believe in something. Too much crap is carried out in the name of organized religion...case in point...all the crap going on in the middle east...call it a war over oil, politics, greed, religion, it all comes down to the same thing...control...you can be a sheep...or you can use your own mind to decide what is right for you.
/ 14 years ago
/ 14 years ago
I'm MAD.. bro.
/ 14 years ago
The big difference that you are not mentioning is that Athiests have evidence to support their beliefs and Christians have no real tangible evidence to support theirs. I don't understand why an otherwise rational person would believe in Christianity.
/ 14 years ago
Actually, you're quite wrong. The evidence is with the Theists. Concerning the creation of the universe, we either have an infinite regress (infinite previous universes causing this one) or a causa sui, something causing itself.
Anything causa sui is godlike, anything that can maintain an infinite regress is godlike.
Logic, empricism and all science cannot, by definition, answer these questions, simply because their study concerns matters they can observe, not matters outside of reality as we know it.
So, there almost certainly is some force/being we can claim is God, what these attributes may be, is an entirely different question. But basically, atheism is an unscientific idea.
/ 14 years ago
So then the universe is "god", well thats just maddeningly unhelpful... and fully under the scope of atheists, who merely claim that there is no greater being (a being is quite different than a force, such as the universe or gravity, which also supports itself).
/ 14 years ago
Atheists have solid evidence? They don't believe in God solely because of LACK of evidence of God's presence....not because of evidence of his absence. And what evidence is presented, isn't accepted by atheists because they are unable to put it in scientific terms, which is already based on our very limited knowledge. Just because something is not known in scientific terms doesn't mean it does not exist.
/ 14 years ago
a lack of evidence of God's presence can actually be considered as evidence that there is no God.....let's say you walk into a room. there's a closet in the room. absolutely NOTHING about the room would suggest that there's someone hiding in that closet granting people's wishes, HOWEVER, there is also no evidence that there ISN'T someone in the closet. which would you believe?
/ 13 years ago
I believe I'll just look in the closet and find out the truth. Then I can not solely TELL people they HAVE to believe, I can SHOW them that there is actually SOMETHING to believe in.
/ 13 years ago
Are you coming out of the closet? Is that what you just said...Thats not very christian.....
/ 14 years ago
Yes, there is no more evidence of the biblical god creating our universe, some advanced alien species putting us here as an experiment, or some other force which we cannot comprehend. As far as evidence goes, we may as well be in the Matrix. I say it does not matter. Religious people will continue praying to their fantasy god, scientists will continue proposing theories as to our existence, and skeptics will continue to not believe and point out flaws. Believe what you want to believe, but keep it loose and adaptive. Our knowledge is ever-changing and growing, and no one should tell themselves for a second, that they really know what is going on.
/ 14 years ago
My feeling is this: there has to be some kind of Supreme Being to justify the creation of, if not everything, then at least the "Big Bang". "nothing can come from nothing"; that's just logical. Christians may not be entirely correct, or even close to correct, but they are a hell of a lot closer to the truth than Atheists.
... and just because you really really really want something to exist, doesn't make it exist.
You religious people have the mentality of a 5 year old. "god(s) exists because I reeeeeally really really want him to!".
/ 14 years ago
Heres an idea... STFU AND BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE! Because I live in america. Which "they say" is a free country.. should i believe that? I certainly can't see it. But i'll keep believing it until Obama blows us all up. Or the next guy does.
When someone says something they can't possibly know, I will call them out on it. That isn't starting shit, it's finishing it.
/ 14 years ago
No no neoform you should blindly listen to what people say about god because they have the magic of faith which means you can not question them.
/ 13 years ago
lol he said 'blindly listen'. what a fucking retard.
/ 14 years ago
Andar e falar! AHShahaahSHhs!
/ 14 years ago
theres a certain fine line. personally, i think that some jokes that go too far.
Jesus Christ is the son of god and god created all this crap. you can live with religion without disrespecting it - this very disrespect and disregard of religion is the reason why we are two damned wars.
optimus prime is a pussy. its all about Mobile Suit Gundam. Gundam kicks ass
/ 14 years ago
No the reason we have wars is because you people with "faith" get butthurt and decide you're going to kill other people who make fun or disagree with your faith. If I called you a pussy would you feel justified in killing me? I would never physically harm any religious person for their beliefs but many of them would kill me for mine. Kind of funny when they are the "enlightened ones" and they think I'm the one going to hell.
/ 14 years ago
I Love how you Caps Gundam and have God uncaped.
/ 14 years ago
This is DISSCUSTING. If it wasn't for" JESUS CHRIST" you wouldn't have the knowledge or the ability to even think about such garbage.
/ 14 years ago
disscusting? I'm not familiar with that word... If it wasn't for Optimus morons like you wouldn't be able to push their beliefs on other people and write poorly spelled words online. See how I can make statements that are impossible to prove too and don't tell me I'm wrong because I have faith in Optimus.
/ 14 years ago
As an atheist I'm just asking.. because I don't know.. Din't god create man, not Jesus? Does Jesus control brain function?
/ 14 years ago
It appears you don't have the knowledge or ability to even think.
/ 14 years ago
why are you getting offended? its just a joke. a funny one. whoever made this wasn't just like hey you winnieberyl i made this picture so i can personally offend you and your religion. its art.
/ 14 years ago
"QUOTES" are not used for "EMPHASIS." What you want is italics. Secondly, if it weren't for Jesus Christ, the Dark Ages and the Crusades would never have occurred, and we'd probably be at least 500 years ahead technologically.
/ 14 years ago
The dark ages would have happened one way or another. It was actually a time where there was much more cloud cover and less sun to be seen. Crops dwindled and people were scared. If they had not had religion to blame/use/hold onto they would have found something else.
/ 14 years ago
thats "Disgusting"
/ 14 years ago
Everything is correct except the last one. It should read (on the Jesus side) "There is no salvation." Jesus never really existed anyway. Look up Horus, Attis, and Mithra and learn where the entire story actually started.
/ 14 years ago
The Horus/Attis/Mithra, etc. theory is entertaining, but it falls apart quickly. There's more historical evidence for the existence of Jesus as a person than any other person from that time period. Let's not discuss his claims of divinity - that's a different topic. But Jesus existed on earth in the first century, and the majority of the educated community doesn't even dispute that.
/ 14 years ago
Falls apart? Exactly how? Are you saying those myths do not very closely resemble the Jesus myth? Exactly what historical evidence is there of Jesus? Not one mention of him is made until the Gospel of Mark, written at least 40 years after the supposed ad 33. Considering that the Romans kept such good records about everything else, is it possible they would have ignored someone that politically and socially important and was supposed to have performed miracles? Not even a mention in surviving letters from that time? The majority of the educated community doesn't dispute the existence of Jesus? Where do you get that? Are you including all theists? Naturally, they will ignore facts. Much as you seem to be doing.
/ 14 years ago
Bah...stupid. I hate it when people refer to them as "robots". They're ALIENS dammit. ALIEN robots.
/ 14 years ago
Jesus Prime
/ 14 years ago
guys relax.. if jesus is really out there im sure he's laughing his ass off... or maybe crying cause everyone makes fun of him... whooo caress weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
/ 14 years ago
Isn't Jesus 33 years old...yeah.
/ 14 years ago
Actually, right now I'd say he's more about 2000 years old.
Just sayin'.
(Also, totally unintentional like.)
/ 14 years ago
How can Jesus be called humble when he went around telling people the only way to salvation is through him and those who don't agree can burn in hell........
Sounds like a jackass.
/ 14 years ago
ummm yeah and he also died on a cross so that the world may be forgiven. I dont see you laying your life down for other people. That takes a lot of courage and love.
/ 14 years ago
If I killed myself so that people could be freed from christianity then you would all just call me crazy but a book written over 1000 yrs ago by people who never experienced any of the things they wrote about must be true...
/ 14 years ago
According to you lot, Jesus was God in human form. This means that there was no courage or love involved, because there was nothing to be sacrificed, as a god cannot die from something as mundane as being nailed to a cross.
Nevermind the whole "sacrificing himself to himself so he can forgive us for something he set in motion in the first place" thing.
What exactly does that mean? He died for our sins? Who required this death? If he died 2000 years ago (well before I was born)... how could he have died for *my* sins? I wasn't even alive at the time... Was this pre-assumed sin? Sounds like a real great god you got there..
/ 14 years ago
Jesus performed many miracles. Healing the sick, casting out demons, allowed the blind to see, brought the dead back to life. Every time he performed a miracle on someone he told them not to mention how it was done because Jesus want to be modest. Jesus was perfect and never sinned but hey paid the ultimate sacrifice by dieing on a cross to pay for the sins of humanity. Optimus Prime may be "cool" but Jesus is real.
/ 14 years ago
This guy who's job it is to gain people to follow his path and knows damn well the apostles are gonna chronicle the events anyway is so dense and illogical as to tell these people not to talk about it thinking itll keep the story from getting out?
On the other hand, you have a blind or cripple in the village who is suddenly cured, YOURE gonna talk about it, and youre not the fella old Jesus told to keep his mouth shut. But no, we don't even have second hand accounts or evidence of a single one of these events.
I know the ideas of christianity are seductive. They give you peace and a good feeling that you have some all powerful being on your side watching out fo ryou and your loved ones. But that is no excuse for refusal to admit what you already know inside... That man made God, and Jesus is just another example. I'm sorry. That is not meant to offend. I just find it hard to believe that this isn't something that every religious person doesn't know somewhere deep inside, where they hide it away and dont admit it.
/ 14 years ago
If jesus and god are real then why do only people who have been told by christians that they exist have any knowledge of them? If I could make every christian and every bible on the earth disappear then christianity would end because people don't come up with god and jesus on their own (or divine intervention) they are told to believe it by other people and THAT is why faith in the bible is BS. I'm not against having faith in something but maybe you should do some self discovery and not just believe what is presented to you because in actuality that is just being a really lazy sob.
/ 14 years ago
The funniest part of this comment?
"Optimus Prime may be 'cool' but Jesus is real."
Now Cthulhu on the other hand...
/ 14 years ago
Lol I second that. Jesus is real but every other religion on the planet is full of shit. Yeah you sound believable....
Interesting, I guess there used to be lots of demons back in the olden days, because I've never seen one of these "demons" you speak of..
allowed the blind to see,
Prove it.
brought the dead back to life.
No, he definitely did not do that.
Every time he performed a miracle on someone he told them not to mention how it was done because Jesus want to be modest.
You sure seem to know a lot about a guy that only had his 'story' written several decades after his death.... by a guy that never even knew him..
/ 14 years ago
It's called faith, idiot.
/ 14 years ago
If i have faith that by sitting around doing nothing suddenly a ferrari with my registration in it is going to magically exist in my driveway, will that make it reality? No.. But there is a clinical term for a person who refuses to believe the make believe ferrari doesn't exist... its called psychosis.. insane. The religious version of "faith" is simply a euphemism for mass psychosis.
/ 14 years ago
Faith is about an ability to believe in some higher power in order to help be a decent human being. Having faith for that ferrari would put the image in your mind, and you would strive to one day be able to put the ferrari in your driveway. Faith makes us want to be better.
/ 14 years ago
I would hope that as a sensible and mature human being you can be decent on your own...
Faith is about an ability to believe in some higher power in order to help be a decent human being.
You have to believe in fairy tales in order to be a better person, what a crock.
Faith makes us want to be better.
It really doesn't.
/ 14 years ago
You're like a man who shuts his eyes and then says the things around him do not exist because he cannot see them. People of faith have found a way to experience God's presence. But people like you shut your hearts and minds to this beautiful experience, and then claim it doesn't exist. It's sad really, and we can only pray that one day you will find faith, hope and love.
People of faith have found a way to experience God's presence.
Define god. I would like to know exactly what god is. Can you do that? Or is god just this nebulous thing that you've invented because you want him to exist. This presence you say god has is striking identical to his lack of presence; that's a little bit strange, wouldn't you say?
Why is it that prayer doesn't actually work? When you pray for something, your odds tend to be exactly the same as if you hadn't prayed.
/ 14 years ago
If a woman did a good deed for you, and you know she did it, but you have never seen or met or know anything about her except for the fact that she exists and had a small influence in your life. Now, if I asked you to define her, what would you tell me? The most you can do is either explain her physical traits based on what you know of the female human being, or you would tell me about the influence she had on you. But you cannot "define" her unless you seek her out yourself or have other people seek her out for you.
Remember this..."To each, his own." Every person has a different experience with God. Some spend their entire lives searching for God. Others feel God's presence right from a young age. You ask each of them to define God, they can only tell you what each of their experiences with God were like. Some have never experienced God's presence even when they try. They give up, and then claim God doesn't exist. They state it as a fact, just because they are unwilling to search for God. You find a lack of presence of God simply because you have closed your heart & mind to even the possibility of his existence. You try to convince others that God doesn't exist, and we just feel sorry that you have given up on that quest. And that is when we pray.
A prayer is not a process where we demand for stuff. A prayer is just a way to speak to God through your heart and soul. Some people think "prayer = making a wish". This is not true. A prayer is just a conversation with God. And sometimes, people will ask for things during this conversation. But God doesn't give us materialistic things because of our prayers. What God gives us is wisdom, courage, strength, love, hope, faith that help us live a better life. These abstract things that cannot be put in scientific terms or physical quantity, but are very real. If I ask you to define any of the above, you would write something based on your own experiences which each of them. There are people who believe "love" doesn't exist because they have never experienced it. This is akin to you not having experienced God, and therefore stating that God doesn't exist.
If I have to define God, I will need to write a book, because my experience of God involves a lot of events that are my own. Some people enjoy speaking about their experiences in public. Others prefer to keep it personal. But for you to come along and say that those experiences were not of God because he cannot be defined, is laughable when you haven't experienced God yourself, and yet have come to a conclusion that God doesn't exist. Keep an open heart, and an open mind. And then the experiences may follow.
/ 14 years ago
Hey I have magical powers and I willed you to not have cancer but don't tell anyone ok? I want to be modest. Oh I also cast out some demons from your home again please don't tell anyone because I'm very modest. Also if you don't accept me as your savior you're kinda gonna burn in hell so you might want to consider holding your hands together every once and a while and having a conversation with me and my dad in your head. Oh my dad and I are actually the same person.. long story. Basically he implanted himself in a woman against her will but there was no penetration so it's not really rape... more of a temporary possession. Anyway I died so that you could live because my dad (who again is actually me) is a dick (but I'm not) and so I (or he) died for you because he would have totally killed your evil ass if I (or he) didn't allow myself (himself) to be killed. To put it simply he made all of you people but you were little evil sons of bitches and so he was like I'm gonna kill these evil assholes but then me (basically his split personality) was like hey me! that's not very nice I made those people and they can be good but I was totally like no they can't! They are jerks! So I split off from myself and went to hang out with the "evil" people and totally made some good friends. In the end they were all kind of evil sons of bitches because they all decided to kill me but I forgive them because they believe in me and so I made a deal with myself that if I died for the "evil" people that I wouldn't kill the "evil" people and they can do all the evil shit they want in their life but as long as they accept me as their savior they will go to heaven.
Nice, believe in something absurd and unprovable, then hide behind "faith" as a means to fend off reasonable criticism...
"Faith" is bullshit.
"Faith" = "I can't prove my batshit insane claims, so I'm not even going to try."
/ 14 years ago
Faith is not bullshit. True faith keeps people going when they should fall. Religion for the most part is bullshit but the idea that faith in an ideal can carry a person beyond their limits is not. Why attack someone for believing in something?
/ 14 years ago
lol that's what the catholic crch says, Jesus didn't say it was through him
/ 14 years ago
Welcome to the jacked up world of religion. Stupid.
/ 14 years ago
Wow, you're an idiot. Modern Christians say that. Jesus just went around being a nice guy and helping people without drawing attention to himself.
/ 14 years ago
how the fuck do you know what jesus did? and don't say the bible because that is just hearsay from 200 years ago. There is no proof that jesus even existed outside of the bible.
/ 14 years ago
How much proof is there that YOU exists. This whole damn world could be... THE MATRIX!
/ 14 years ago
200 years ago. good thing for you, basic math skills aren't a prerequisite.
Other than the Bible, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Jesus ever existed.
/ 14 years ago
He is an Alien i'm telling you.Mary got a tube suve up her and out he came and had little ones himself
/ 14 years ago
hhahahaahha,,, are you kidding mee?? The bible has far more historical proof behind it than even the existence of Alexander the Great. FACT.
/ 14 years ago
your an idiot FACT
/ 14 years ago
You like dick. FACT.
/ 14 years ago
You've obviously never looked into it, huh? The first mention of any "jesus" was from 60 years after he supposedly died, by Josephus. The bible has exactly ZERO historical proof, and you're a fool for being brainwashed into thinking ogtherwise
/ 14 years ago
Lolololol! Okay, He who has "LOOKED" into it! Tell me more! Please!?
/ 14 years ago
Well also there's the battle of troy, kinda unrelated right? But, the story of the trojan war was first told nearl 300 years or so after it happened by a poet/bard Homer
/ 14 years ago
And along the lines of Josephus which I know ppl love to quote (along with the whole silly idea that there is more evidence of Jesus than Alexander the great.... hah,...) research a little. I beseech an reader to please follow up on sources. Never take anything you read at face value.. use common sense, logic and good judgement, and reisit the urge to believe something because its what you prefer....
/ 14 years ago
oh sry there was supposed to be a link with that. synopsis for lazy ppl, Josephus's works were edited in later centuries. Its quite possible Joephus himself didn't write anything about Jesus. http://www.asktheatheists.com/questions/114-why-are-atheists-more-skeptical-about-jesus-than-they-are-about-alexander-the-great/
but yes look up more, research, and once again, just because its the idea you want to believe doesnt make it true. The idea of god and heaven and all that are hard things to not believe in. I'd love to. But they don't exist. Form your own opinion, dont listen to me.
/ 14 years ago
I'm an atheist
just a bit of advice
if you're trying to make a point... don't use an atheist web page as your source
try to find a scholarly journal or something of equal validity
please don't take this as an insult, just trying to help you out a little
/ 14 years ago
/ 14 years ago
That is probably true, the first written mentioning of his name might have been 60 years after his death, but it is one of many, including the gospels, which are historical documents. But that does absolutely nothing to disprove it. I think someone would remember the life of someone like Jesus Christ. Also, the huge explosion of Christianity is noted in MANY texts. An outbreak that large and rapid of a belief can't possibly be based on lies.
oh and trust me. I research what I believe. And I believe 100 percent that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
/ 13 years ago
Christianity spread because it was pretty much forced down the throats of pagans around 300AD. Before that, christianity was simply a rabble of fanatics performing "miracles" and insulting the pagan religions of the time. You might have heard about the destruction of the Library of Alexandria in Egypt because the christians (parabelani) deemed it heresy. Before that, the library considered one of the most important libraries in the known world and contained quite advanced (secular) knowledge on astronomy and physics. Only 10% of the documents were saved after the destruction. It has been said that if the library wasn't destroyed, we would probably have colonies on the moon today and space travel would be considered as normal as flight. Instead, western civilisation was cast into the dark ages where religious fanatacism ruled and any free thinker was either burned at the stake or decapitated.
Also, do some research on the origins of the christian bible and you will soon find out that it is a very unreliable source of historical fact. This should get you started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3N4ymHO-eA&feature=related
/ 14 years ago
i dont believe you exist, put that in you negative nancy pipe and smoke it
/ 14 years ago
the fact that you just admitted you believe in something that is scientifically impossible does not make you a noble a righteous person, just one of the many sheep that have been conditioned to be controlled by a society that creates stories to explain what they do not understand
/ 14 years ago
First, of ppl like Alexander the great there are coins made with his image, an entire empire... I know that cliche is popular "there is more evidence of Jesus than Alexander" but it is actually baseless and false. Most ppl who quote have never bothered looking further into the words that someone else told them about it, or they wouldn't perpetuate the silly phrase. Now, onto the idea that something wouldn't spread so fast if it were based on lies. My gosh, have you truly never looked around at the explosion of any trend, religious idea, etc? Islam, which exploded but in many ways contradicts Christianity and is actually the fastest growing religion on earth atm... Come now, don't just repeat things you've heard, research them. The idea that an idea's popularity is a litmus test for its basis in fact is nonsense. The gospels were written by people with an obvious agenda, and it is no surprise given the political and cultural climate at the time that people ran in droves to join up in this religion which decried the burdensome Hebrew beauracracy and Imperial Roman abuses of power. Josephus mentions Jesus, but the only place you hear mention of the things that make Jesus special is in the Christian Bible, written, I will repeat, but people of questionable credibility due to conflict of interest, who's own stories don't even match up. Need I go on?
/ 14 years ago
Jesus shows up in other texts that had nothing to do with the bible, that is why historians generally agree a man names Jesus (or Joseph) existed and was a leader of Jewish people to a new religion. The deliberation is usually about whether or not he was the son of god or just a man.
/ 14 years ago
Therefore the possibility that the gospel authors exxaggerated a bit in Jesus's powers, in order to make people more wowed into joining. And actually it is more factually correct (though the previous post to which i am replying isnt completely incorrect.. just not to the extent implied) that the apostles, (who may well have known a Jesus but manufactured their version of the bible jesus 70-100 years after the death of the man that inspired them with his rebellious ideas of freedom from jewish law) created and led the new religion. They saw the popularity of Jesus's ideas amongst the poor downtrodden and non jewish, and saw a chance to gain a following.. the type of following which many times in history have taken the exact same path.. underground grps attaining more power and then becoming accepted world powers. It isnt unique to Christianity.
/ 14 years ago
The Bible is a collection of mythology. It's existence as ancient documents proves its authenticity no more than the existence of an ancient Beowulf or Gilgamesh manuscript proves the authenticity of those tales.
Trust you? Just because you think zombie Jesus existed, doesn't mean he did...
/ 14 years ago
Get back into the kitchen... Bitch.
/ 14 years ago
The Romans were total pedobears ,but they liked to keep records. They have records for the execution of a 1 Jesus of Nazareth. I'm not saying he did anything else ,but he was a real person which one ups Prime....Until we get advanced enough to CREATE Optimus Prime.
/ 14 years ago
Actually it was Jesus the Nazareen. Nazareth did not exist during his lifetime and therefore he could not have come from there. The term Nazareen was similar to the term Zealot in meaning, therefore the chances are that he was a rebellious character and NOT a peaceful man. As a Jew he believed that the elders had sold out the Jewish people to the Romans and there are a number of examples within the Gospels to prove this point. Christianity as a whole has many good ideals as do many other faiths, but the interpretation and misuse of them makes many religions anathema to most people of good sense who take the proper ideals and live by them rather than the indoctrination and psychobabble pumped far too readily by many religions today.
/ 14 years ago
WE did not create Optimus Prime! He is a living machine derived form means beyond our understanding.
/ 14 years ago
Common misconception. Doesn't exist.
/ 14 years ago
and optimus prime exists. TOTALLY.
and of course there are records about him/it.
from comic books, cartoon, toys etc.
it's just that we don't see him.
/ 14 years ago
you've seen him plenty. Just be sure to wave next time a big truck goes by.
/ 14 years ago
yeah thats what they want to believe they also said you canbuy your way in to heaven through pardons at one point in time lmao
/ 14 years ago
Catholic church. again. like, 700 years ago
/ 14 years ago
where is the funny
/ 14 years ago
The human race is failure at its best. Sit back, relax, and laugh at the Jesus jokes.
/ 14 years ago
I'd to go with Optimus until Jesus got down right cocky "[t]here is no salvation except through me." Not even Optimus has a cock that big and if he did, his name would be Jane and even then a 17yr old little girl could kick his ass. :-p
Pop culture indeed. You know, maybe Jesus even has some thing on "The King of Pop."
/ 14 years ago
I was gonna say you got the details wrong for Jesus on point number two, but then I realized you didn't even get his name right...
/ 14 years ago
lol I think people missed the humor. Take a joke :) It's funny, not like we're building a church of Optimus (not saying that there isn't already either)...
/ 14 years ago
whats wrong with pop culture?
/ 14 years ago
yo im a christian and i think this was hilarious the picture and the comments damn u people are retarded
/ 14 years ago
hhahhahahahahha miracles? hahahah i just woke up and had this sent to me and i will say the comments are funnier then the picture.. you god freaks are soooooo embarrasing to the entire human race.. go prey to santa you retards hhahahah
/ 14 years ago
im not sure if i believe...but the immaturity of all you guys is so obvious by the way you choose to disrespect people that do believe...and im not talking about the picture, thats just a joke....but calling someone a bible freak just because he chooses to believe that jesus existed, and saying just that and nothing else (meaning that noone really went on about the image, one guy just said he believes), is pretty moronic. you'll propably grow up some day!
/ 14 years ago
". you'll propably grow up some day! "
yeah you're so much better than the rest of us. Sorry we are all so below you're great kindness towards other people. I find it hard to take advice from someone who can't spell probably when there is a BUILT IN SPELL CHECK.
/ 13 years ago
Did you mean properly?
/ 13 years ago
no dumbass, its supposed to be probably
/ 13 years ago
/ 14 years ago
why cant you respect other people and what they believe? I respect you and how you choose to live your life. Dont bring more hate into the world by disregarding the way other people feel...please.
/ 14 years ago
Christians always want to say how they "respect other peoples way of life" if that is true then why do you believe I will burn eternally in hell for not believing what you believe? That is kind of contradictory don't you think? That's like saying "I respect you not believing what I believe but since you don't you're going to be miserable".
If I told you unicorns exist, would you "respect what I believe"?
/ 14 years ago
if there were historical records about it.
/ 14 years ago
Actually according to the bible Unicorns did exist but they didn't make it onto Noah's Ark and so they all died out.
/ 13 years ago
Unicorn, like many other biblical words, had a different meaning then than it does today. Unicorn is just a word for any one-horned animal.
/ 13 years ago
/ 14 years ago
What is truly embarrassing is that one human being can declare another human being to be less than another. We bicker and fight like animals, and we are content to go on until we convince ourselves that we have won... But there is no winning.... Not like this...
/ 14 years ago
Pretty weak, and im never mistaken for a christian. I mean you seriously dont even mention miracles? Really?
/ 14 years ago
this is fucking stupid....please shoot yourself
/ 14 years ago
oh another Jesus joke for pop culture, how clever! I bet they don't have a comparison chart between Optimus Prime and the Muslim prophet Muhammad!
/ 14 years ago
Is this the new Christian come back? "We know it's bollocks but pick on someone else now". We could do it with prophet mohammed, but where's the fun in that? It's far more entertaining to get a rise out of idiot christians.
/ 14 years ago
Also, Mohammed DOES turn into a truck.
/ 14 years ago
Optimus ftw
/ 13 years ago
You Know what, people on here can call me a "God Freak" but I'm proud of it. At least I'm not afraid to stand up for something I believe in. At least Jesus isn't just a character, He's a real person. Jesus may just have had one resurrection, but it's the most important one of all time. It shows that he was going home to the Father (God) to prepare a place for all of the believers in heaven. & So what if He only had 12 disciples following Him? They learned from him how to minister to others & they passed it down to their children & they passed it down to their children & so on, all the way down to their descendants today. Yeah, walk n' talk may sound a little bit lame but that was the way to communicate in that time period and He was great at it. He would go from town to town just talking about the Father to anybody He saw. Jesus had the nerve to speak His mind any given time & place unlike majority of the people that commented on this page. Satan may have a portion of the world under his control, but what people who don't read the Bible don't know is Satan has to go ask God for permission to take over a certain person's life. So really, God is in complete control of what Satan can & can't do. & Lastly there is no salvation except through Christ. He even stated "I am the way, the truth, & the life. No one shall come to the Father except through me." It's as simple as that.
Boy this one really attracted alot of flack.
Why does Prime win for having more resurrections? More resurrections=More deaths.
Optimus = Fictional
Jesus Christ = The Real Deal
I'll go with Prime
There is no such thing as an atheist. You can be a theinist, but not an atheist. To be an atheist you would have to search every single millimeter of the universe to be able to prove that God isn't real, it's almost like saying that there isn't a penny in a room. You would have to tear out the flooring and the walls, search every single square inch of the room to ensure that a penny wasn't in the room. Where as a theinist simply has the belief that God doesn't exist.
Do you believe in Thor? Zeus? Nike? Odin? The Sun god? Ra?
That's right, you're an atheist to all those gods.
Also, 'theinist' isn't a word.
That Optimus prayer is pretty awesome. The rest of you are lame morons who have nothing better to do than argue about religion on the internet under a transformers joke. The point is that fictional Optimus Prime would whoop the ass of fictional Jesus. chill out nerds...
wow 162 comments on religion and optimus prime XD
And in His name millions were killed.
how is this funny. insulting, but definately NOT funny.
No this IS funny. Whats insulting is being told you're going to hell for not believing what someone else does.
Optimus Prime is my deity :D
I would just like to mention that on both sides of the previous conflict, there really is no hard evidence presented.
This is an unsolved topic, you couldn't possibly prove, or even come close to proving, that you are correct.
So... why bother
I mean, yea, I have an opinion on the matter, but by adding it i'm only going to then get some people calling me an idiot, and a few virtually patting me on the back.
I find no loss in not telling you what my view is, I would just like to let you know that all of yours, even the ones i agree with, can't be proven. You're wasting your time.
Jesus was 33...
How do you know? Cause the bible says so? The bible says a lot of things, of which, very few are true.
Optimus Prime: Transforms into a giant truck. Jesus: Transforms water into wine.
Hmmm seemed to miss something in character Aspects... EG "GOD" on purpose??? maybe because it is am ultimate trump?
This is so wrong. I like Prime but to completely trash Jesus like that is wrong.
WOW im suprised to see that some ppl actually beleive in animated robots from space more than scripture of a holy text. u should really do some soul searching because it is better to beleive in something rather than nothing at all.
I'm surprised that some people believe fairy tales are actually hold texts. You should really do some soul searching because it's better to be a good person than it is to condemn people for not believing what you do.
sorry meant to say *holy texts
ever heard of the god helmet? google it! plus i dont believe in an almighty god, i believe there is spirit energy all around the world that we cannot see but can sometimes feel and use, i would love to be more spiritual but would never want to b more religious, if you want to believe in something then believe that our energy will live on within different things within or outside of this universe/plane/time, and why was there never any opposition to it being because of jesus tht we count it as the year 2010?
"it is better to beleive in something rather than nothing at all."
Not if what you believe is false.
In the beginning was man. And man created God in the image of his childhood tv/merchandise cross marketing entity. And it was good.
I couldn't like this on Facebook because there was 1337 facebook likes, check it: http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/897/dfdfsdas.jpg
We have 49 types of loged Aliens so they say but how instesting the world is......Take care
Jesus was an Alien Straight up. Thats the whole story.[AND THEN SOME]PLease write more to me .......Georgia ....... Take Care
Aliens and the BIBLE go HAND IN HAND
E=EARTH Read it my yourself and hunt down paintings about 14 to 17 thousand years ago.Write back ok
Too bad bible is a translation from another language and so thinking its an acronym in English makes no sense AT ALL.
LOL at funny christian people, vigrousily fighting to protect the "truth", surely if your methods are so true and jesus did exsist, then wouldnt you just take a joke and laugh? not only that surely you wouldnt try and stress the fact that he exsists when you already "know" its true? its simple human psychology we all know your wrong
did optimus prime ever make the blind see? heal the sick?
Did jesus ever transform into a super bad ass fighting alien robot truck?
Doctors do that every day, is that a miracle?
Doctors dont heal SHIT, medicine does, the real Miracle nowadays is to actually AFFORD a decent doctor............
everyone is reading to much into this it was done in fun and everyone is getting all bent out of shape over this? lmao
P.S I'm Jesus
why not argue? its funner then just laughing at the joke! the same way as feeling down is better then feeling nothing right?
Jesus is dead?
Optimus Prime & Jesus have one thing in common - they are both Jewish.
Our Optimus who art in space
Prime be added to thy name
the Decepticons come
protect us from harm
in earth as you did in Cybertron
Give us this day our daily energon
And forgive us our inablilty to transform
as we forgive those who cannot roll out with you.
And lead us not to deception;
but deliver us from Megatron
For all the bases are belong to you
YOU. You are beast. <3 <3 <3
he was 33, not 35.
I have a crazy idea.. atheists are obviously proud to be atheists, christians are proud to be christians. christians, your job is not to prove others wrong but to try and gather people to believe and have faith. atheists, just continue believing in whatever you want to believe in. whatever makes you happy. but don't try to argue with Christians. we believe in what we believe in and there is nothing you can do or say to change that. just like how there isn't anything we can do to change your mind. so lets all drop it because this isn't going to go ANYWHERE.
You're forgetting other differences between atheists and Christians. Atheists have not done anything to screw up the planet either. They have never killed people, condemned people or tried to take people's rights away. Atheists also have been proven to be more intelligent than believers.
um the Soviet Union was an athieistic state and it killed between 25 to 60 million people. speaking out of your ass like that makes you sound exactly like that which you seem to enjoy disrespecting with every breath. one might interpret that as self-righteous hypocricy. next time spend a couple of seconds on google, you know technology, your god.
It was set-up as an "atheistic state" because no one was to have a higher authority then Stalin, not because they wanted to lose the morals of religion and go on a killing spree. Before you attribute all those millions as the deaths of a crazed atheist mass murderer, remember a huge portion of those people died during WWII not because Stalin felt like killing people. His Atheism has nothing to do with the number of atrocities inflicted by him. Religions have killed in the name of their religions, Stalin did it because he was a paranoid megalomaniac that held his position through fear and outright elimination of any potential threats.
An atheistic state? Dude, Atheism is "not believing in god". That means atheism is the same as "not collecting stamps", or "not driving a car". People don't do things in the name of their lack of something.
Those murders were entirely driven by political means and nothing else.
hmm... really? Karl Marx was an athiest. so was Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, and Vladimir Lenin. millions of people lie dead because of them, and they have infringed more on human rights than just about anyone else in history. and as far as screwing up the planet goes... you're an idiot. I'm not a christian, I don't affiliate with any religion or ideology, but get your damn facts right before you go accusing other people and asserting you are more intelligent than "believers." Einstein believed in a creator(NOT EXACTLY GOD). you are absolutely not one of the intelligent athiests.
Hitler was Catholic and he killed in the name of God, and Einstein barely escaped Hitler's persecution just to turn around and be the front runner for the creation of the atom bomb. Isn't if funny how things work out. If you just use this scenario alone to base your beliefs on, don't fuck with the Jews or they will crucify you or create a bomb and blow your country away.
Two things:
1) none of those people killed in the name of "no god". they killed purely for political reasons. those people stood in the way of their power.
2) Einstein was not, in any way shape or form religious, and he did not believe in any gods. Stop spreading falsehoods.
Einstein was religious in a way, he just wasn't Christian. He was Jewish, and he didn't like Athiests,
"The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry of the believer."
— Albert Einstein
in Goldman, p. vii
But there are more Atheist assholes than Christian assholes. :P
Bet that wouldn't be the case if Christians didn't have the threat of hell dangling over their heads over, even, the slightest transgression.
I just have to throw a bit of a monkey wrench in here...you are referring to Atheists and Christians only...there are other beliefs out there...so let's put this in your mix and see what you all think...Organized Religion (not individual belief structures) is a greedy, power hungry, political beast...no matter what title is given to that religion...they all seek the same goal: "give us your will, your money, and convince you that we are the only ones who know the truth, and we promise you everlasting life beyond mortal death"...where as Atheist; in my understanding, believe nothing that cannot be seen...and then there are those like myself that believe what I will because it comforts me...I have no tangible proof for my belief, nor do I need it, or press my belief on others...Anyone who cares to argue should see the movie "Dogma". One of the best lines ever basically says it isn't what you believe in, it is that you believe in something. Too much crap is carried out in the name of organized religion...case in point...all the crap going on in the middle east...call it a war over oil, politics, greed, religion, it all comes down to the same thing...control...you can be a sheep...or you can use your own mind to decide what is right for you.
I'm MAD.. bro.
The big difference that you are not mentioning is that Athiests have evidence to support their beliefs and Christians have no real tangible evidence to support theirs. I don't understand why an otherwise rational person would believe in Christianity.
Actually, you're quite wrong. The evidence is with the Theists. Concerning the creation of the universe, we either have an infinite regress (infinite previous universes causing this one) or a causa sui, something causing itself.
Anything causa sui is godlike, anything that can maintain an infinite regress is godlike.
Logic, empricism and all science cannot, by definition, answer these questions, simply because their study concerns matters they can observe, not matters outside of reality as we know it.
So, there almost certainly is some force/being we can claim is God, what these attributes may be, is an entirely different question. But basically, atheism is an unscientific idea.
So then the universe is "god", well thats just maddeningly unhelpful... and fully under the scope of atheists, who merely claim that there is no greater being (a being is quite different than a force, such as the universe or gravity, which also supports itself).
Atheists have solid evidence? They don't believe in God solely because of LACK of evidence of God's presence....not because of evidence of his absence. And what evidence is presented, isn't accepted by atheists because they are unable to put it in scientific terms, which is already based on our very limited knowledge. Just because something is not known in scientific terms doesn't mean it does not exist.
a lack of evidence of God's presence can actually be considered as evidence that there is no God.....let's say you walk into a room. there's a closet in the room. absolutely NOTHING about the room would suggest that there's someone hiding in that closet granting people's wishes, HOWEVER, there is also no evidence that there ISN'T someone in the closet. which would you believe?
I believe I'll just look in the closet and find out the truth. Then I can not solely TELL people they HAVE to believe, I can SHOW them that there is actually SOMETHING to believe in.
Are you coming out of the closet? Is that what you just said...Thats not very christian.....
Yes, there is no more evidence of the biblical god creating our universe, some advanced alien species putting us here as an experiment, or some other force which we cannot comprehend. As far as evidence goes, we may as well be in the Matrix. I say it does not matter. Religious people will continue praying to their fantasy god, scientists will continue proposing theories as to our existence, and skeptics will continue to not believe and point out flaws. Believe what you want to believe, but keep it loose and adaptive. Our knowledge is ever-changing and growing, and no one should tell themselves for a second, that they really know what is going on.
My feeling is this: there has to be some kind of Supreme Being to justify the creation of, if not everything, then at least the "Big Bang". "nothing can come from nothing"; that's just logical. Christians may not be entirely correct, or even close to correct, but they are a hell of a lot closer to the truth than Atheists.
... and just because you really really really want something to exist, doesn't make it exist.
You religious people have the mentality of a 5 year old. "god(s) exists because I reeeeeally really really want him to!".
Heres an idea... STFU AND BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE! Because I live in america. Which "they say" is a free country.. should i believe that? I certainly can't see it. But i'll keep believing it until Obama blows us all up. Or the next guy does.
Who said there was nothing that could change my mind?
Quite the contrary, some nice solid evidence would absolutely change my mind.
i dont think optimus protected cybertron.... There isn't one anymore it got destroyed ...
Cybertron still exists it's just in shambles because of the war between the autobots and decepticons. Optimus failed there. He will not fail us.
Actually it was Megatron and Optimus that failed.. Hell! the whole damn race did. Taking that one little thing off Cybertron destroyed it.
Jesus was 33 not 35. FAIL.
As a Christian with a sense of humor I found this funny.
LOLOLOLOL He was two years younger than what they said! That totally changes everything!!! Wait... no it doesn't.
Yes, because you know that for fact........
You sure do like to start shit.
When someone says something they can't possibly know, I will call them out on it. That isn't starting shit, it's finishing it.
No no neoform you should blindly listen to what people say about god because they have the magic of faith which means you can not question them.
lol he said 'blindly listen'. what a fucking retard.
Andar e falar! AHShahaahSHhs!
theres a certain fine line. personally, i think that some jokes that go too far.
Jesus Christ is the son of god and god created all this crap. you can live with religion without disrespecting it - this very disrespect and disregard of religion is the reason why we are two damned wars.
optimus prime is a pussy. its all about Mobile Suit Gundam. Gundam kicks ass
No the reason we have wars is because you people with "faith" get butthurt and decide you're going to kill other people who make fun or disagree with your faith. If I called you a pussy would you feel justified in killing me? I would never physically harm any religious person for their beliefs but many of them would kill me for mine. Kind of funny when they are the "enlightened ones" and they think I'm the one going to hell.
I Love how you Caps Gundam and have God uncaped.
This is DISSCUSTING. If it wasn't for" JESUS CHRIST" you wouldn't have the knowledge or the ability to even think about such garbage.
disscusting? I'm not familiar with that word... If it wasn't for Optimus morons like you wouldn't be able to push their beliefs on other people and write poorly spelled words online. See how I can make statements that are impossible to prove too and don't tell me I'm wrong because I have faith in Optimus.
As an atheist I'm just asking.. because I don't know.. Din't god create man, not Jesus? Does Jesus control brain function?
It appears you don't have the knowledge or ability to even think.
why are you getting offended? its just a joke. a funny one. whoever made this wasn't just like hey you winnieberyl i made this picture so i can personally offend you and your religion. its art.
"QUOTES" are not used for "EMPHASIS." What you want is italics. Secondly, if it weren't for Jesus Christ, the Dark Ages and the Crusades would never have occurred, and we'd probably be at least 500 years ahead technologically.
The dark ages would have happened one way or another. It was actually a time where there was much more cloud cover and less sun to be seen. Crops dwindled and people were scared. If they had not had religion to blame/use/hold onto they would have found something else.
thats "Disgusting"
Everything is correct except the last one. It should read (on the Jesus side) "There is no salvation." Jesus never really existed anyway. Look up Horus, Attis, and Mithra and learn where the entire story actually started.
The Horus/Attis/Mithra, etc. theory is entertaining, but it falls apart quickly. There's more historical evidence for the existence of Jesus as a person than any other person from that time period. Let's not discuss his claims of divinity - that's a different topic. But Jesus existed on earth in the first century, and the majority of the educated community doesn't even dispute that.
Falls apart? Exactly how? Are you saying those myths do not very closely resemble the Jesus myth? Exactly what historical evidence is there of Jesus? Not one mention of him is made until the Gospel of Mark, written at least 40 years after the supposed ad 33. Considering that the Romans kept such good records about everything else, is it possible they would have ignored someone that politically and socially important and was supposed to have performed miracles? Not even a mention in surviving letters from that time? The majority of the educated community doesn't dispute the existence of Jesus? Where do you get that? Are you including all theists? Naturally, they will ignore facts. Much as you seem to be doing.
Bah...stupid. I hate it when people refer to them as "robots". They're ALIENS dammit. ALIEN robots.
Jesus Prime
guys relax.. if jesus is really out there im sure he's laughing his ass off... or maybe crying cause everyone makes fun of him... whooo caress weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
Isn't Jesus 33 years old...yeah.
Actually, right now I'd say he's more about 2000 years old.
Just sayin'.
(Also, totally unintentional like.)
How can Jesus be called humble when he went around telling people the only way to salvation is through him and those who don't agree can burn in hell........
Sounds like a jackass.
ummm yeah and he also died on a cross so that the world may be forgiven. I dont see you laying your life down for other people. That takes a lot of courage and love.
If I killed myself so that people could be freed from christianity then you would all just call me crazy but a book written over 1000 yrs ago by people who never experienced any of the things they wrote about must be true...
According to you lot, Jesus was God in human form. This means that there was no courage or love involved, because there was nothing to be sacrificed, as a god cannot die from something as mundane as being nailed to a cross.
Nevermind the whole "sacrificing himself to himself so he can forgive us for something he set in motion in the first place" thing.
What exactly does that mean? He died for our sins? Who required this death? If he died 2000 years ago (well before I was born)... how could he have died for *my* sins? I wasn't even alive at the time... Was this pre-assumed sin? Sounds like a real great god you got there..
Jesus performed many miracles. Healing the sick, casting out demons, allowed the blind to see, brought the dead back to life. Every time he performed a miracle on someone he told them not to mention how it was done because Jesus want to be modest. Jesus was perfect and never sinned but hey paid the ultimate sacrifice by dieing on a cross to pay for the sins of humanity. Optimus Prime may be "cool" but Jesus is real.
This guy who's job it is to gain people to follow his path and knows damn well the apostles are gonna chronicle the events anyway is so dense and illogical as to tell these people not to talk about it thinking itll keep the story from getting out?
On the other hand, you have a blind or cripple in the village who is suddenly cured, YOURE gonna talk about it, and youre not the fella old Jesus told to keep his mouth shut. But no, we don't even have second hand accounts or evidence of a single one of these events.
I know the ideas of christianity are seductive. They give you peace and a good feeling that you have some all powerful being on your side watching out fo ryou and your loved ones. But that is no excuse for refusal to admit what you already know inside... That man made God, and Jesus is just another example. I'm sorry. That is not meant to offend. I just find it hard to believe that this isn't something that every religious person doesn't know somewhere deep inside, where they hide it away and dont admit it.
If jesus and god are real then why do only people who have been told by christians that they exist have any knowledge of them? If I could make every christian and every bible on the earth disappear then christianity would end because people don't come up with god and jesus on their own (or divine intervention) they are told to believe it by other people and THAT is why faith in the bible is BS. I'm not against having faith in something but maybe you should do some self discovery and not just believe what is presented to you because in actuality that is just being a really lazy sob.
The funniest part of this comment?
"Optimus Prime may be 'cool' but Jesus is real."
Now Cthulhu on the other hand...
Lol I second that. Jesus is real but every other religion on the planet is full of shit. Yeah you sound believable....
How do you know that?
Doctors do that, are they miracle workers?
Interesting, I guess there used to be lots of demons back in the olden days, because I've never seen one of these "demons" you speak of..
Prove it.
No, he definitely did not do that.
You sure seem to know a lot about a guy that only had his 'story' written several decades after his death.... by a guy that never even knew him..
It's called faith, idiot.
If i have faith that by sitting around doing nothing suddenly a ferrari with my registration in it is going to magically exist in my driveway, will that make it reality? No.. But there is a clinical term for a person who refuses to believe the make believe ferrari doesn't exist... its called psychosis.. insane. The religious version of "faith" is simply a euphemism for mass psychosis.
Faith is about an ability to believe in some higher power in order to help be a decent human being. Having faith for that ferrari would put the image in your mind, and you would strive to one day be able to put the ferrari in your driveway. Faith makes us want to be better.
I would hope that as a sensible and mature human being you can be decent on your own...
You have to believe in fairy tales in order to be a better person, what a crock.
It really doesn't.
You're like a man who shuts his eyes and then says the things around him do not exist because he cannot see them. People of faith have found a way to experience God's presence. But people like you shut your hearts and minds to this beautiful experience, and then claim it doesn't exist. It's sad really, and we can only pray that one day you will find faith, hope and love.
Define god. I would like to know exactly what god is. Can you do that? Or is god just this nebulous thing that you've invented because you want him to exist. This presence you say god has is striking identical to his lack of presence; that's a little bit strange, wouldn't you say?
Why is it that prayer doesn't actually work? When you pray for something, your odds tend to be exactly the same as if you hadn't prayed.
If a woman did a good deed for you, and you know she did it, but you have never seen or met or know anything about her except for the fact that she exists and had a small influence in your life. Now, if I asked you to define her, what would you tell me? The most you can do is either explain her physical traits based on what you know of the female human being, or you would tell me about the influence she had on you. But you cannot "define" her unless you seek her out yourself or have other people seek her out for you.
Remember this..."To each, his own." Every person has a different experience with God. Some spend their entire lives searching for God. Others feel God's presence right from a young age. You ask each of them to define God, they can only tell you what each of their experiences with God were like. Some have never experienced God's presence even when they try. They give up, and then claim God doesn't exist. They state it as a fact, just because they are unwilling to search for God. You find a lack of presence of God simply because you have closed your heart & mind to even the possibility of his existence. You try to convince others that God doesn't exist, and we just feel sorry that you have given up on that quest. And that is when we pray.
A prayer is not a process where we demand for stuff. A prayer is just a way to speak to God through your heart and soul. Some people think "prayer = making a wish". This is not true. A prayer is just a conversation with God. And sometimes, people will ask for things during this conversation. But God doesn't give us materialistic things because of our prayers. What God gives us is wisdom, courage, strength, love, hope, faith that help us live a better life. These abstract things that cannot be put in scientific terms or physical quantity, but are very real. If I ask you to define any of the above, you would write something based on your own experiences which each of them. There are people who believe "love" doesn't exist because they have never experienced it. This is akin to you not having experienced God, and therefore stating that God doesn't exist.
If I have to define God, I will need to write a book, because my experience of God involves a lot of events that are my own. Some people enjoy speaking about their experiences in public. Others prefer to keep it personal. But for you to come along and say that those experiences were not of God because he cannot be defined, is laughable when you haven't experienced God yourself, and yet have come to a conclusion that God doesn't exist. Keep an open heart, and an open mind. And then the experiences may follow.
Hey I have magical powers and I willed you to not have cancer but don't tell anyone ok? I want to be modest. Oh I also cast out some demons from your home again please don't tell anyone because I'm very modest. Also if you don't accept me as your savior you're kinda gonna burn in hell so you might want to consider holding your hands together every once and a while and having a conversation with me and my dad in your head. Oh my dad and I are actually the same person.. long story. Basically he implanted himself in a woman against her will but there was no penetration so it's not really rape... more of a temporary possession. Anyway I died so that you could live because my dad (who again is actually me) is a dick (but I'm not) and so I (or he) died for you because he would have totally killed your evil ass if I (or he) didn't allow myself (himself) to be killed. To put it simply he made all of you people but you were little evil sons of bitches and so he was like I'm gonna kill these evil assholes but then me (basically his split personality) was like hey me! that's not very nice I made those people and they can be good but I was totally like no they can't! They are jerks! So I split off from myself and went to hang out with the "evil" people and totally made some good friends. In the end they were all kind of evil sons of bitches because they all decided to kill me but I forgive them because they believe in me and so I made a deal with myself that if I died for the "evil" people that I wouldn't kill the "evil" people and they can do all the evil shit they want in their life but as long as they accept me as their savior they will go to heaven.
Nice, believe in something absurd and unprovable, then hide behind "faith" as a means to fend off reasonable criticism...
"Faith" is bullshit.
"Faith" = "I can't prove my batshit insane claims, so I'm not even going to try."
Faith is not bullshit. True faith keeps people going when they should fall. Religion for the most part is bullshit but the idea that faith in an ideal can carry a person beyond their limits is not. Why attack someone for believing in something?
lol that's what the catholic crch says, Jesus didn't say it was through him
Welcome to the jacked up world of religion. Stupid.
Wow, you're an idiot. Modern Christians say that. Jesus just went around being a nice guy and helping people without drawing attention to himself.
how the fuck do you know what jesus did? and don't say the bible because that is just hearsay from 200 years ago. There is no proof that jesus even existed outside of the bible.
How much proof is there that YOU exists. This whole damn world could be... THE MATRIX!
200 years ago. good thing for you, basic math skills aren't a prerequisite.
His typo doesn't make him wrong.
Other than the Bible, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Jesus ever existed.
He is an Alien i'm telling you.Mary got a tube suve up her and out he came and had little ones himself
hhahahaahha,,, are you kidding mee?? The bible has far more historical proof behind it than even the existence of Alexander the Great. FACT.
your an idiot FACT
You like dick. FACT.
You've obviously never looked into it, huh? The first mention of any "jesus" was from 60 years after he supposedly died, by Josephus. The bible has exactly ZERO historical proof, and you're a fool for being brainwashed into thinking ogtherwise
Lolololol! Okay, He who has "LOOKED" into it! Tell me more! Please!?
Well also there's the battle of troy, kinda unrelated right? But, the story of the trojan war was first told nearl 300 years or so after it happened by a poet/bard Homer
And along the lines of Josephus which I know ppl love to quote (along with the whole silly idea that there is more evidence of Jesus than Alexander the great.... hah,...) research a little. I beseech an reader to please follow up on sources. Never take anything you read at face value.. use common sense, logic and good judgement, and reisit the urge to believe something because its what you prefer....
oh sry there was supposed to be a link with that. synopsis for lazy ppl, Josephus's works were edited in later centuries. Its quite possible Joephus himself didn't write anything about Jesus. http://www.asktheatheists.com/questions/114-why-are-atheists-more-skeptical-about-jesus-than-they-are-about-alexander-the-great/
but yes look up more, research, and once again, just because its the idea you want to believe doesnt make it true. The idea of god and heaven and all that are hard things to not believe in. I'd love to. But they don't exist. Form your own opinion, dont listen to me.
I'm an atheist
just a bit of advice
if you're trying to make a point... don't use an atheist web page as your source
try to find a scholarly journal or something of equal validity
please don't take this as an insult, just trying to help you out a little
That is probably true, the first written mentioning of his name might have been 60 years after his death, but it is one of many, including the gospels, which are historical documents. But that does absolutely nothing to disprove it. I think someone would remember the life of someone like Jesus Christ. Also, the huge explosion of Christianity is noted in MANY texts. An outbreak that large and rapid of a belief can't possibly be based on lies.
oh and trust me. I research what I believe. And I believe 100 percent that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
Christianity spread because it was pretty much forced down the throats of pagans around 300AD. Before that, christianity was simply a rabble of fanatics performing "miracles" and insulting the pagan religions of the time. You might have heard about the destruction of the Library of Alexandria in Egypt because the christians (parabelani) deemed it heresy. Before that, the library considered one of the most important libraries in the known world and contained quite advanced (secular) knowledge on astronomy and physics. Only 10% of the documents were saved after the destruction. It has been said that if the library wasn't destroyed, we would probably have colonies on the moon today and space travel would be considered as normal as flight. Instead, western civilisation was cast into the dark ages where religious fanatacism ruled and any free thinker was either burned at the stake or decapitated.
Also, do some research on the origins of the christian bible and you will soon find out that it is a very unreliable source of historical fact. This should get you started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3N4ymHO-eA&feature=related
i dont believe you exist, put that in you negative nancy pipe and smoke it
the fact that you just admitted you believe in something that is scientifically impossible does not make you a noble a righteous person, just one of the many sheep that have been conditioned to be controlled by a society that creates stories to explain what they do not understand
First, of ppl like Alexander the great there are coins made with his image, an entire empire... I know that cliche is popular "there is more evidence of Jesus than Alexander" but it is actually baseless and false. Most ppl who quote have never bothered looking further into the words that someone else told them about it, or they wouldn't perpetuate the silly phrase. Now, onto the idea that something wouldn't spread so fast if it were based on lies. My gosh, have you truly never looked around at the explosion of any trend, religious idea, etc? Islam, which exploded but in many ways contradicts Christianity and is actually the fastest growing religion on earth atm... Come now, don't just repeat things you've heard, research them. The idea that an idea's popularity is a litmus test for its basis in fact is nonsense. The gospels were written by people with an obvious agenda, and it is no surprise given the political and cultural climate at the time that people ran in droves to join up in this religion which decried the burdensome Hebrew beauracracy and Imperial Roman abuses of power. Josephus mentions Jesus, but the only place you hear mention of the things that make Jesus special is in the Christian Bible, written, I will repeat, but people of questionable credibility due to conflict of interest, who's own stories don't even match up. Need I go on?
Jesus shows up in other texts that had nothing to do with the bible, that is why historians generally agree a man names Jesus (or Joseph) existed and was a leader of Jewish people to a new religion. The deliberation is usually about whether or not he was the son of god or just a man.
Therefore the possibility that the gospel authors exxaggerated a bit in Jesus's powers, in order to make people more wowed into joining. And actually it is more factually correct (though the previous post to which i am replying isnt completely incorrect.. just not to the extent implied) that the apostles, (who may well have known a Jesus but manufactured their version of the bible jesus 70-100 years after the death of the man that inspired them with his rebellious ideas of freedom from jewish law) created and led the new religion. They saw the popularity of Jesus's ideas amongst the poor downtrodden and non jewish, and saw a chance to gain a following.. the type of following which many times in history have taken the exact same path.. underground grps attaining more power and then becoming accepted world powers. It isnt unique to Christianity.
The Bible is a collection of mythology. It's existence as ancient documents proves its authenticity no more than the existence of an ancient Beowulf or Gilgamesh manuscript proves the authenticity of those tales.
Trust you? Just because you think zombie Jesus existed, doesn't mean he did...
Get back into the kitchen... Bitch.
The Romans were total pedobears ,but they liked to keep records. They have records for the execution of a 1 Jesus of Nazareth. I'm not saying he did anything else ,but he was a real person which one ups Prime....Until we get advanced enough to CREATE Optimus Prime.
Actually it was Jesus the Nazareen. Nazareth did not exist during his lifetime and therefore he could not have come from there. The term Nazareen was similar to the term Zealot in meaning, therefore the chances are that he was a rebellious character and NOT a peaceful man. As a Jew he believed that the elders had sold out the Jewish people to the Romans and there are a number of examples within the Gospels to prove this point. Christianity as a whole has many good ideals as do many other faiths, but the interpretation and misuse of them makes many religions anathema to most people of good sense who take the proper ideals and live by them rather than the indoctrination and psychobabble pumped far too readily by many religions today.
WE did not create Optimus Prime! He is a living machine derived form means beyond our understanding.
Common misconception. Doesn't exist.
and optimus prime exists. TOTALLY.
and of course there are records about him/it.
from comic books, cartoon, toys etc.
it's just that we don't see him.
you've seen him plenty. Just be sure to wave next time a big truck goes by.
yeah thats what they want to believe they also said you canbuy your way in to heaven through pardons at one point in time lmao
Catholic church. again. like, 700 years ago
where is the funny
The human race is failure at its best. Sit back, relax, and laugh at the Jesus jokes.
I'd to go with Optimus until Jesus got down right cocky "[t]here is no salvation except through me." Not even Optimus has a cock that big and if he did, his name would be Jane and even then a 17yr old little girl could kick his ass. :-p
Pop culture indeed. You know, maybe Jesus even has some thing on "The King of Pop."
I was gonna say you got the details wrong for Jesus on point number two, but then I realized you didn't even get his name right...
lol I think people missed the humor. Take a joke :) It's funny, not like we're building a church of Optimus (not saying that there isn't already either)...
whats wrong with pop culture?
yo im a christian and i think this was hilarious the picture and the comments damn u people are retarded
hhahhahahahahha miracles? hahahah i just woke up and had this sent to me and i will say the comments are funnier then the picture.. you god freaks are soooooo embarrasing to the entire human race.. go prey to santa you retards hhahahah
im not sure if i believe...but the immaturity of all you guys is so obvious by the way you choose to disrespect people that do believe...and im not talking about the picture, thats just a joke....but calling someone a bible freak just because he chooses to believe that jesus existed, and saying just that and nothing else (meaning that noone really went on about the image, one guy just said he believes), is pretty moronic. you'll propably grow up some day!
". you'll propably grow up some day! "
yeah you're so much better than the rest of us. Sorry we are all so below you're great kindness towards other people. I find it hard to take advice from someone who can't spell probably when there is a BUILT IN SPELL CHECK.
Did you mean properly?
no dumbass, its supposed to be probably
why cant you respect other people and what they believe? I respect you and how you choose to live your life. Dont bring more hate into the world by disregarding the way other people feel...please.
Christians always want to say how they "respect other peoples way of life" if that is true then why do you believe I will burn eternally in hell for not believing what you believe? That is kind of contradictory don't you think? That's like saying "I respect you not believing what I believe but since you don't you're going to be miserable".
If I told you unicorns exist, would you "respect what I believe"?
if there were historical records about it.
Actually according to the bible Unicorns did exist but they didn't make it onto Noah's Ark and so they all died out.
Unicorn, like many other biblical words, had a different meaning then than it does today. Unicorn is just a word for any one-horned animal.
What is truly embarrassing is that one human being can declare another human being to be less than another. We bicker and fight like animals, and we are content to go on until we convince ourselves that we have won... But there is no winning.... Not like this...
Pretty weak, and im never mistaken for a christian. I mean you seriously dont even mention miracles? Really?
this is fucking stupid....please shoot yourself
oh another Jesus joke for pop culture, how clever! I bet they don't have a comparison chart between Optimus Prime and the Muslim prophet Muhammad!
Is this the new Christian come back? "We know it's bollocks but pick on someone else now". We could do it with prophet mohammed, but where's the fun in that? It's far more entertaining to get a rise out of idiot christians.
Also, Mohammed DOES turn into a truck.
Optimus ftw
You Know what, people on here can call me a "God Freak" but I'm proud of it. At least I'm not afraid to stand up for something I believe in. At least Jesus isn't just a character, He's a real person. Jesus may just have had one resurrection, but it's the most important one of all time. It shows that he was going home to the Father (God) to prepare a place for all of the believers in heaven. & So what if He only had 12 disciples following Him? They learned from him how to minister to others & they passed it down to their children & they passed it down to their children & so on, all the way down to their descendants today. Yeah, walk n' talk may sound a little bit lame but that was the way to communicate in that time period and He was great at it. He would go from town to town just talking about the Father to anybody He saw. Jesus had the nerve to speak His mind any given time & place unlike majority of the people that commented on this page. Satan may have a portion of the world under his control, but what people who don't read the Bible don't know is Satan has to go ask God for permission to take over a certain person's life. So really, God is in complete control of what Satan can & can't do. & Lastly there is no salvation except through Christ. He even stated "I am the way, the truth, & the life. No one shall come to the Father except through me." It's as simple as that.
Have fun believing in fairy tales.
hahahaha go suck a dick