that little boy is to young to be that big , i tell you one thing that you can do is put him on a diet so he want be so big and no one will be janking him , i dont even know why yall put him out like that but that does not make any since that yall di him like that because everyone is going to be janking him about how big that little boy is to be that young im still trying to figure out why yall did that yall should be ashamed of yall selves yall are so freakin stupid a** people
that little boy is to young to be that big , i tell you one thing that you can do is put him on a diet so he want be so big and no one will be janking him , i dont even know why yall put him out like that but that does not make any since that yall di him like that because everyone is going to be janking him about how big that little boy is to be that young im still trying to figure out why yall did that yall should be ashamed of yall selves yall are so freakin stupid a** people