im my opinion believeing in god is as childish as believing in santa.
/ 13 years ago
Well there goes my Christmas.
/ 13 years ago
god didn't create man, man created god. The theory of evolution is right, and it is only revised as science continues to learn, the bible doesn't make sense. Carl Sagan freed my mind, I'm no longer brain-washed
/ 13 years ago
Carl Sagan was not a pure atheist. He was an agnostic. The Bible isn't bad, the people who preach stupid shit are bad. And the theory of evolution is still a theory. What if aliens dropped us off? ever thought of that one? who knows what happened. I'm sure god does or someone/something in comparison. lol
/ 13 years ago
The Bible isn't bad, the people who preach stupid crap are bad.
Try actually reading it before you say that. The bible is jam packed with garbage.
And the theory of evolution is still a theory.
Gravity is also just "a theory".
What if aliens dropped us off?
What if your mother was a pineapple? Don't postulate stupidities in order to validate garbage claims.
who knows what happened.
Scientists know exactly how it happened, try talking to one.
/ 13 years ago
Well put!
/ 13 years ago
Hahahahahahahahaha...THIS IS AWESOME! . So what you're saying is that the T.O.E. is 100% right, but that it is continuously revised and changed as 'science' continues to learn. hmmm...does anybody else see a problem here? I'm not saying that the T.O.E. is right or wrong, I wasn't there and haven't done any research on it, but something cannot be 100% right and constantly change at the same time, it's impossible. :)
/ 13 years ago
(s)he did not say the theory of evolution was "100%" right. He was submitting that the theory is fundamentally correct, and that only small inconsistencies continue to be ironed out here and there.
Imagine building a house. That would be 'theory' (I prefer fact) of evolution. The iconsistencies that remain have to do with the colour of the kitchen carpet
You're right, you haven't done any research. The theory isn't "changed", it's refined, the same way you would do if you were adding digits to the end of pi.
At first scientists said pi was 3.14, then they said it was 3.14159... then they said it was 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209 7494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651 3282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102 7019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461 2847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432 6648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920 9628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665213841 4695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179 3105118548074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011 9491298336733624406566430860213949463952247371907021798 6094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056 8127145263560827785771342757789609173637178721468440901 2249534301465495853710507922796892589235420199561121290 2196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837 2978049951059731732816096318595024459455346908302642522 3082533446850352619311881710100031378387528865875332083 8142061717766914730359825349042875546873115... etc.
/ 13 years ago
Most likely the universe has always existed in one form or another and did not need a god to create it. We created god in our image to explain the unknown. God has since been used by evil men to control the minds of the people. We will end one day but the universe will continue one way or another forever. Simple. ~ Pieter Uithol
/ 13 years ago
Hay Lughead...if god doesnt exist...why are u still here!
/ 13 years ago
Maybe a white hole was involved. (This is opposite of a black hole. Think about it...)
/ 13 years ago
You people are immature and I am disgusted at the lack of humanity and understanding from all of you. I am a Christian, but I respect anyone who doesn't believe in the Bible. It's their choice, and I don't condemn them to Hell for it. People should learn to accept other the way they are, and stop being so judgmental on either part. Religious nuts back off. Atheist downers shut up.
/ 13 years ago
Isn't it funny how the God believers get all cross, rude and insulting? Lovely people aren't they? So full of 'Gods love' LOL!
Mankind will never be truly civilized until we freely become a post religious society.
/ 13 years ago
To all religious people who think that the bible makes sense, when it comes to this subject, just wow! When something obviously doesn't make sense in the bible, you simply say that that's not what that meant. It said "this", but not really. Good Argument. Measurable and obtainable evidence is key. It has to. By saying that the number 7 meant something holy is kinda like saying red are tomatoes. Seven is a "holy" number because is was they first number of really any importance to be mentioned in the book of genesis. Lets look at it this way. The bible in its self has been changed and re-interpreted thousands of times, not to mention translated. Many key phrases that one might read in the bible actually meant something completely different. I will be honest and say that the bible has some ethical properties to it, I can't argue that (well not completely). In the end religious people say not to take the bible literally. However, by coming up with some round-about-way of saying peter said 1000 years so maybe is was actually 1000 per 7 years is just that. It's not the bibles' fault that its readers are hypocrites. A book was written a long time ago by some people that had some moralistic cultural norms in which they thought would be important forever. It doesn't mention how slavery is bad, but we all know it is. To further help the scientific side of this argument and get back on topic, I will say this simply. Science is all about looking at something, wondering what it is, using current knowledge to figure out what is can be and how it works, then document. Someday that becomes knowledge and the cycle starts all over again. I'm done with this post and will continue to "Stumble Upon" various neat websites.
/ 13 years ago
Science will win every time in this argument, science is the adaptation to progression, religion adapts to science, in terms of order who comes first?
/ 13 years ago
I love this, Science overrules Religion any day no matter what time it ever is in this Universe. Science is the closest thing to Religion we have, that's just my thoughts.
That's because science is logic and reason, religion is neither.
/ 13 years ago
The Bible was never meant to be taken literally. Great stories and great lessons but think for yourself and use common sense.
/ 13 years ago
Great stories and great lessons
You've never actually read the Bible, have you? The Bible is loaded with disturbing stories and bad lessons.
/ 13 years ago
FIrst there was light, then the sun *our source of light*, and then he made the stars *our sun is a star*. Clearly the story makes absolutely no sense.. from the beginning.
/ 13 years ago
lol reading the comments is actually funnier than the post itself! keep on going people i like that!
/ 13 years ago've all missed the point. No sense trying to tell you what it is. Unless you realize for yourselves you will not understand and simply you have been, to no avail.
Shut up and read, listen, life without trying to destroy one another.
You just don't get it do you?
/ 13 years ago
That was a little mean. But c'mon. That was disappointing. Stumbled onto this page and found my hopes to be all high. Something in physics to sort of say what god was doing, which is blasphemy, by the way, then wah-lah. God sits around on his fucking hands for a long as time. Shit you could have at least said he made a girlfriend, a bunch of friends on facebook, had a bunch of sex, made a bunch of mistakes, deleted his facebook account - committing social suicide, and then decided to take it a little easier, and hang back for this next try and the last 2011 years are him taking extra special care not to be a control freak. See what happens when he lets people figure out their own things and decide whether or not they want to be his friends or not.
/ 13 years ago
P.S. Time moves slowly around massive objects. GOD = MASSIVE - World quips by at OUR perceived pace. Seven days to god is seven days to god who is MASSIVE. Let me find my physics book and lets see how big something has to be to take 7 days to be equivalent to our 16.7 billion. P.S.S Dudes, God is really big. Think about it. Their are more possibilities then the bible is false. Sides, how many of you just look for certain things in the bible to justify your ego? You forget so much of it was translated. Dumb = like three different things in our language. Created possibly means more in other languages. Your all miserable in your own personally constructed hell aren't you.
What the hell are you talking about? Time is linear, however, when you travel at extremely high speeds, time slows down relative to everything else.
Two things:
1) Prove your statement
2) Everything I've ever heard about Yahweh suggests that he/it is in fact everywhere, it's not a massive entity, but instead Yahweh *is* everything.
Seven days to god is seven days to god who is MASSIVE.
What the hell is a "day" if earth and the sun don't even exist yet?
P.S.S Dudes, God is really big. Think about it.
Yeah, thought about it, still not seeing any evidence to prove that statement...
Their are more possibilities then the bible is false.
Dumb = like three different things in our language. Created possibly means more in other languages.
Right, so the perfect word of a perfect being, needs to be translated multiple times (a book written by many people, most of whome never met, and was compiled selectively by authoritarian dictators thousands of years ago), and you believe it unquestioningly? Hahahah
Your all miserable in your own personally constructed hell aren't you.
Keep believing in things like "sin" there buddy, it's you who's living in your own hell.
/ 13 years ago
This is stupid. I thought it would be interesting at first glance, but their I go judging a book to carefully by the cover again. See this is why the impressionable people in the world, which I have to say includes all of us, sometimes find calamity within the boundaries between science and religion. Admit it. YOU DONT GET IT. Then you can start to rebuild you ignoranous.
/ 13 years ago
THIS IS GARBAGE FACTSS!! Those who do not see religion as an importance in life, should not diss it, and leave it alone. This idiot wrote about GOD ALMIGHTY, not knowing anything! Mann doesn't even know about the creation of everything! Sorry for being rude but anyoone who does this kind of crap sshould do it alone in their bedroom or something!
yet religious people can talk freely about their beliefs, look down at people, hate people, and be responsible for millions of peoples deaths. hmm that makes sense. a world without religion would be better off truthfully. at least this can be proven, unlike god and any other theories that have to do with a higher power. please show me one piece of evidence and maybe i would start to take your point of view into consideration. why dont religious people stop dissing non religious people because i have heard too many times that im going to hell because i dont believe in god and that i should die for being gay or that im being ignorant. the only ignorance here is that people dont accept the fact that this is real and can be proven. much like evolution sorry but start listening to facts and not a 2000 year old book because that should not be the basis of how you live your life. i also think that religious beliefs are childish do you really need the idea that someone is going to judge you when you die and your "spirit" will live forever if you do good to make yourself feel better every night before you go to sleep? face it we will all die and theres nothing you can do about it. dont worry though you wont realize it and you wont go to heaven or hell because it doesnt exist.
/ 13 years ago
religion is a waste, all the religious nuts call us people who use logic, heretics, and that is there only excuse. They know only how to say we commit sins and try to take our money. Religion will soon be faded so I'm not worried. I don't want to give "god" credit for my achievements. My younger brother died when he was 8, where was god? he didn't commit sins... its just life, physics, science. Im in disbelief people really waste there time with stories that some person that we don't know who, wrote a book (aka the bible). He probably sat down with his friends, smoked some ancient drugs and whipped up a story. Religion is responsible for most all wars and hatred. Please lets all put an end to this idiotic acts of god and enlightenment!
/ 13 years ago
According to science matter creates itself from nothing and life creates itself with the ability to reproduce? Who believes in fairy tales??? So you believe you're reading this is simply an accident in spite of the absurdly astronomical odds and science contradicting itself.
/ 13 years ago
read the M-theory, as explained by Stephen Hawking. The universe, indeed, the existence, can be explained with reason. And, the 'god' hypothesis has no place in it
/ 13 years ago
with infinite time, and the expanding and retracting nature of the universe; all things are possible, no matter how minute the chances.
/ 13 years ago
Religatard! That is perfect. Thank you for making my day
/ 13 years ago
we know nothing - what was god doing before creating the universe? having lunch with his classmates before they started their science lab where they create a universe. we are a species stuck on our planet in a universe none of us can grasp the size of, yet we act like we know the answers...have some humility and be nice to one another.
/ 13 years ago
The bible is about teachings, stories with morals. Not everything should be taken literally, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, moses walked the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. Perhaps this is just a saying translated from another language which simply means "a long time". Just because some fool scientist came along and did some math and comes up with 6,000 years doesn't make the teachings wrong. I think everyone is missing the bus on this one.
/ 13 years ago
Fantastic. Another mockery of the Bible by an uneducated troll. I think we should all praise the author's lack of sensitivity along with the author's assumption that they are somehow more knowledgeable about what the Bible really says and means than the ones that actually study the Bible in context and search for the truth in the meaning. Congratulations, author. You are truly original.
/ 13 years ago
I've read the bible from cover to cover. It's jam packed with rape, murder, slavery, genocide, torture, bad morality, and is incredibly inconsistent.
There's no valid reason for being "sensitive" towards this garbage.
Religion is stupid non-sense.
/ 13 years ago
No reason at all to be sensitive towards the beliefs of a billion people or so. I was merely making a mockery of the beliefs shown in this post and questioning the intelligence of a position that is so clearly taken out of context. That is what this post is about, isn't it?
/ 13 years ago
So the first portion of the Bible is wrong then? How can you take some things from the bible so literally and some things as metaphors?
/ 13 years ago
I don't. Thanks for the ad hominem argument. I merely said this whole post was taken out out of context for the sake of amusing intolerant bigots.
/ 13 years ago
I think it's so funny that everyone speaks so surely of themselves while arguing about religion. The reality is, is that NOBODY REALLY KNOWS THE TRUTH AS TO HOW WE CAME TO BE HERE. So stop insulting other people's beliefs, and STOP trying to convince the other side that your theory is the correct one. NEITHER CAN BE PROVEN. All anyone does by arguing about it is make themselves look callous. Just BE HAPPY and be able to accept the fact that YOU MIGHT BE WRONG. Live life instead of spending the little time you do have on Earth trying to figure out how and why you are here in first place. What a waste that is.
/ 13 years ago
Evolution is not a "belief".......
/ 13 years ago
actually it is for most people. A belief is simply trusting that a statement is true. Unless you are someone who has personally studied and tested evolution then you are taking what a scientist says as truth... i.e. a belief.
/ 13 years ago
Its not a belief because we have tons of evidence to support the claim, there is no faith required. Quit spreading your FUD.
/ 13 years ago
Where do humans tie into this evolution? If the scientific community is telling me we evolved from apes... why in the world are their still apes? Did we break off at some point and knew the secrets to become smarter, more advanced, and just didn't want to fill our idiot cousins in on it? Why are apes the same now as they were thousands of years ago. If we evolved, they would have evolved, even if just a little bit. But no, they are the same. WAY too much of an evolution 'gap' to prove humans came from evolution. other animals on the other hand have evolved.... maybe there will be a bird that evolves to be able create language and build machines.
/ 13 years ago
If the scientific community is telling me we evolved from apes... why in the world are their still apes?
If Americans exist, why does England still exist? (Since you're clearly uneducated, I'll point out that the US was originally part of England).
Why are apes the same now as they were thousands of years ago.
Evolution takes more than a few thousand years.
If we evolved, they would have evolved, even if just a little bit.
We are in fact, still evolving.
WAY too much of an evolution 'gap' to prove humans came from evolution.
You're an idiot. You know nothing of evolution, yet are all to ready to say falsehoods about it. What "gap" are you talking about? There is no "gap" in human evolution, scientists know exactly what our origins are.
other animals on the other hand have evolved.... maybe there will be a bird that evolves to be able create language and build machines.
Feel like waiting a few hundred million years so we can find out?
/ 13 years ago
I wish people would take a college astronomy class before they begin commenting.
/ 13 years ago
I wish people could believe in the fact that there are Christians that are hard core scientists. But then I guess that makes them idiots...
the vast majority of scientists are not religious. Education and religocity is inversely proportional..
/ 13 years ago
Haters gonna hate. If you have religion, good for you. What's so bad about believing in something? If you're an atheist, I'm glad you're comfortable with everything just ending. Just because you can't have faith in something you can't see, doesn't mean others are wrong for doing it. My theory is, what are you losing for having religion? If you end up being wrong in the end, you just die. Nothing else. But, if you spend you're whole life not believing, and it ends up being true... Yep. Besides, what does Christianity or anything hinder you from? Doing drugs, partying, drinking, having sex with everyone.. Oh, my. You're SO miss out on freakin' everything, don't you? Ha. Think about it. Oh, and it also requires a bit of commitment. Which, we also know, that the human race is notorious for sucking in that department. Goodbye.
/ 13 years ago
You just summarized Pascal's Wager.
Also, being an atheist doesn't mean you have no morals.
/ 13 years ago
agreed im an atheist i was raised by the morals of my family not by the morals of a outdated book
/ 13 years ago
Now do Islam! Or Hinduism! Or Buddhism! Oh, you don't know shit about religion and aren't sensitive to the fact that there are other more philosophical reasons why someone might choose to believe in a deity than try to take out the fact that some nut attempted to force a religion down your throat by trying to force your own point of view down someone else's? I see. I suppose I'll just go to the trillions of other sites which attempt to do the exact same thing as this one. Thanks!
/ 13 years ago
I have no idea what you just said. I'll just assume you're an idiot. :)
/ 13 years ago
hes saying that its ignorant to try to force our beliefs down eachothers throats to prove ourselves whereas the anon who started this made an ignorant statement as to saying we hate god because we dont believe in him or are saying this is an illogical statement. and maybe he should go to another religious website where they try to force religion down his throat
/ 13 years ago
it's all relative Einstein calculated that the universe was created in 6 days if you look at it from the perspective of the universe as a whole but it is still 15 billions years from earth's perspective. This is a common case of someone ignorant to both science and the Bible taking a side in an argument that doesn't exist. If you want to have a better understanding of the relationship between the two read some of the stuff Einstein wrote and look up the book The Science of God
/ 13 years ago
Einstein was NOT a theist. He was NOT a christian. HE did NOT believe in gods.
His theory of relativity says nothing about 6 days being 13.75 billion years; instead it pertained to the speed of light and objects moving at such speeds. Stop embedding your dogma in solid scientific theories that have nothing to do with religion or gods.
/ 13 years ago
atheist is one word idiot
/ 13 years ago
Correction, you are an idiot.
/ 13 years ago
a theist is what he meant. "a" being a separate word.
/ 13 years ago
Einstein was a Christian...
/ 13 years ago
First off, Einstein was born a Jew.
"For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything ‘chosen’ about them."
"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious, then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
Both those quotes are from Einstein himself.
/ 13 years ago
What was universe like before everything started? Something came out absolutely nothing? How big is the Universe itself?
What was universe like before everything started? Something came out absolutely nothing? How big is the Universe itself?
God came out absolutely nothing?
/ 13 years ago
This is an epic troll. congratz to the creator of this! loving it.
/ 13 years ago
Wow, we get hate God
/ 13 years ago
Logic fail, you can't make the theory on the right subject to the time frame of the theory on the left. An infinite being would not experience time in the same way that we do. By definition an Omnipotent is not subject to time constraints or he would not be infinite. Just saying. I know this is mostly a joke, but it falls flat when the basic logic is not there.
Lol, if you actually applied logic, the concept of a personal god would be the first thing out the window. There's absolutely nothing logical when it comes to a belief in god or gods, it's entirely an emotional one made by weak minded individuals who cannot deal with their mortality.
/ 13 years ago
Religion was not created by weak minded individuals. It was created by the very few brightest of individuals in order to keep control of the many weak minded individuals (how do I get all these idiots to stop killing each other and pay me taxes?). Stop telling them it's wrong. It's been a lot of work to get them to blindly do the shit we have them do.
/ 13 years ago
That still doesn't deal with the inherent problems in the comparison. You can't compare two incompatible systems and try and make it look all scientific, even if it is just trying to be a joke. The joke then rebounds on the person making the illogical comparison. No matter what your stance is on the existence of such a deity, logic dictates that you should take all features of the philosophical viewpoint into account when making a comparison. Try to put aside your childish preconceptions for a minute and look at it as an objective researcher would. Or is that not possible for weak-minded individuals?
You also can't apply science/logic/reason to any god, as by all definitions of gods, they are always an ineffable claim.
If you told me there's a purple dragon in your room that only appears when no one is looking, then there's no way for me (or anyone else) to verify that claim. You can say "I believe" or "I have faith" in the dragon, but that really doesn't mean anything, since it doesn't bring your claim any closer to being proven.
logic dictates that you should take all features of the philosophical viewpoint into account when making a comparison.
Lets do that. Feel free to let me in on the viewpoints that are 'belief in god(s)', and we can compare.
Try to put aside your childish preconceptions for a minute and look at it as an objective researcher would.
Childish? You mean rational. Any objective person knows the inherent problem with belief in gods right away. Simple question, feel free to make your best apologist response:
If god created the universe, who created god?
Your answers will of course be one of two options:
A) He created himself
B) He's always existed
In either case, an easily dismantled claim. If god has always existed, why couldn't the universe have always existed? If god created himself, why can the universe have created itself?
Humans have trouble grappling with concepts like this, which is why they feel the need to create a god to have done it, it makes things simpler to understand; the problem is, this new god variable, only makes things that much more complicated and solves nothing.
/ 13 years ago
For me, it would take more faith to believe that everything around us, the whole universe and life itself in its endless complexity, could have arisen from pure chance. Logically, it makes sense to come to the conclusion that something must have created this complexity. If you come upon a house in the middle of a desert, you don't come to the conclusion that it just happened to be constructed from the random movements of the sand. That's an illogical conclusion. Similarly, when I look at a bacterial flagella, which bears an eerie resemblance to a radial engine (, I come to the conclusion that it was created by an intelligent designer. I believe, it was created by God.
/ 13 years ago
Nothing you have said in any way makes up for the faults in the comparison. You are making the false assumption that you are talking to someone who feels the need to defend a belief in a supernatural being. I see no such need, I simply pointed out the logical fallacy in the comparison that makes it a weak postulation. Make sure you know who you are talking to next time before wasting your time on unnecessary ramblings.
You are making the false assumption that you are talking to someone who feels the need to defend a belief in a supernatural being.
The classic response, "I don't need to prove anything! I'm just right! OKAY!!!!"
Have fun with that, I'm sure you'll win a lot of arguments that way.
/ 13 years ago
I'm not trying to win an argument, you seem to be conducting your own one sided argument with a fictitious opponent. Are you the one who created the faulty comparison? That explains the problems with logic both in the original comparison and in your misdirected replies here.
There is nothing wrong with comparing the two claims as they are both supposed theories on the origins of the universe. You can't whine that they cannot be compared simply because your claim doesn't stand up to logical analysis...
There is no strawman here, you're clearly attempting to defend a belief in god(s).
/ 13 years ago
I think the majority of people accept God because it provides them the security blanket of knowing that there is a purpose to life. Religion is such a funny thing. It seems as though people generally think logically about things throughout their daily endeavors, but once the topic of religion comes up the most random unreasonable causes for the creation of our universe come pouring out. I'm an agnostic individual, so I cannot say that a God doesn't exist, because I don't know. No one does. I take the bible as a book full of fables meant to provide a moral outline for life rather than one meant to be taken literally. It will be interesting to see how many still claim to be religious 50 years from now.
/ 13 years ago
Im still looking in the bible where it says he created the earth in 6 (24 hour) days. Hmph. Maybe it wasnt 24 hour days. Maybe they were thousands of years long. Since in 2 Peter 3:8 it says, "A day with God is like a thousand years". Since the sun wasn't created till the 4th day, how can you put a earthly time limit on it. Something to think about.
/ 13 years ago
He created the sun three days after creating light? Or, rather, as you are suggesting, 3,000 years?
Regardless of which, you're still coming up several billion years short.
/ 13 years ago
If you are unfamiliar with the bible, this could make sense. When they wrote God created the world in 7 days, 7 is a holy number, meaning purity. This shows that he did create the earth, in what timeline they are unsure, but it is to be a perfect process. Yes in peter he does state that each day is LIKE a thousand years to God, not that it IS exactly a thousand years,which is merely a way to represent an astonishing large number that people could fathom. The bible was written by men who didn't understand the cosmic scope of the universe, obviously they weren't able to convey the vastness of time on the scale we understand now. It's metaphorical; It's a way of us expressing time. When thinking about the eternal concept of God, we really still have no clue. It's all how we perceive it.
/ 13 years ago
I love how the bible is not only to be taken literally... but you can randomly take it as euphemism! "A thousand years" doesn't mean a thousand years, it means a lot more!
I'm going to assume "god" is a euphemism too. Thanks!
/ 13 years ago
Shut the f*ck up, religitard.
/ 13 years ago
Wow, you must be astonishingly smart to be able to come up with that remark. And we are all suppose to accept you views while they are continually revised as you figure out all the mistakes. . .
/ 13 years ago
If we are to assume God is omnipotent, then what is to say God did not create an old Universe.
/ 13 years ago
I don't see why people have to pick one or the other. Maybe God just set it all in motion billions, or trillions, of years ago. We can only see so far into the depths of space so who knows how much more is out there. The Bible can be taken in different ways, it was written by man and man is fallible. But man also studies the universe. There was a time when Gorillas, Pandas, and Tigers were thought of in the same way we think of Unicorns today. I don't think it's fair to call anyone who believes in a God a crackpot just because you don't agree because you don't have hard evidence. I know that some religions and people are extreme, but many of us believe everyone has the right to think what they want and as long as you're a decent person it doesn't matter. Plus, if I die and there is no God, my belief in him during my life isn't going to hurt me and my belief in science doesn't hurt my faith in God because my understanding of him differs from people like the YEC.
Also just wanted to share this with you; someone I know told me that she, "believes in dinosaurs, just not that they existed as long ago as scientists say they do." Simply because she doesn't understand how they can date the bones. People like that make me sad for humanity.
/ 13 years ago
My version goes a little differently, I can wait till they put the Webb telescope up there and they find paradoxes of time... such as ancient galaxies and stars at the edge of the universe which will revise the age of the universe once more. There is a Big difference between God and peoples conception of God.
/ 13 years ago
Thanks for contributing, pal. Why don't you scurry off and go... pray for something. Or whatever it is you crackpots do.
/ 13 years ago
So sad. An ad hominem. Why are you so threatened by dissent?
And if they do revise it again, would that be a bad thing?
Religion doesn't change, does that somehow make it correct? (total non sequitur thinking right there)
/ 13 years ago
Religion changes almost more than science. Every week in church I hear the same passages I have heard throughout my entire life, with a different meaning, a different message. Some taken literally, only next time to be a metaphor for some other behavior. The Catholics literally change rules every month. Some stuff is removed, other stuff added.
/ 13 years ago
lol, bc the 100% infallible evidence for or against god will be found on
however, I believe this video will answer all of your questions:
/ 13 years ago
Yeah. Just think how advances we'ed be if God had got off his butt a billion years
/ 13 years ago
i was most interested by the fact about the pixel height at the end
/ 13 years ago
and girls
/ 13 years ago
P.S.S.S S.S.S.S. Break out of the box. There is a lot more room to breath out here in the real world. P.S ^ 1000 - Kinda funny though. You must have been just as bored as you presume god to have been. Still a little funny. Its been real its been fun, but not real fun you guys.
/ 13 years ago
loving kindness, compassion, kindess of heart - being Christ-like doesn't hurt anyone, getting worked up about the Bible and its literal translation seems like a waste of your energy. This timeline is tasteless, thumbs down.
im my opinion believeing in god is as childish as believing in santa.
Well there goes my Christmas.
god didn't create man, man created god. The theory of evolution is right, and it is only revised as science continues to learn, the bible doesn't make sense. Carl Sagan freed my mind, I'm no longer brain-washed
Carl Sagan was not a pure atheist. He was an agnostic. The Bible isn't bad, the people who preach stupid shit are bad. And the theory of evolution is still a theory. What if aliens dropped us off? ever thought of that one? who knows what happened. I'm sure god does or someone/something in comparison. lol
Try actually reading it before you say that. The bible is jam packed with garbage.
Gravity is also just "a theory".
What if your mother was a pineapple? Don't postulate stupidities in order to validate garbage claims.
Scientists know exactly how it happened, try talking to one.
Well put!
Hahahahahahahahaha...THIS IS AWESOME! . So what you're saying is that the T.O.E. is 100% right, but that it is continuously revised and changed as 'science' continues to learn. hmmm...does anybody else see a problem here? I'm not saying that the T.O.E. is right or wrong, I wasn't there and haven't done any research on it, but something cannot be 100% right and constantly change at the same time, it's impossible. :)
(s)he did not say the theory of evolution was "100%" right. He was submitting that the theory is fundamentally correct, and that only small inconsistencies continue to be ironed out here and there.
Imagine building a house. That would be 'theory' (I prefer fact) of evolution. The iconsistencies that remain have to do with the colour of the kitchen carpet
You're right, you haven't done any research. The theory isn't "changed", it's refined, the same way you would do if you were adding digits to the end of pi.
At first scientists said pi was 3.14, then they said it was 3.14159... then they said it was 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209 7494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651 3282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102 7019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461 2847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432 6648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920 9628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665213841 4695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179 3105118548074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011 9491298336733624406566430860213949463952247371907021798 6094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056 8127145263560827785771342757789609173637178721468440901 2249534301465495853710507922796892589235420199561121290 2196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837 2978049951059731732816096318595024459455346908302642522 3082533446850352619311881710100031378387528865875332083 8142061717766914730359825349042875546873115... etc.
Most likely the universe has always existed in one form or another and did not need a god to create it. We created god in our image to explain the unknown. God has since been used by evil men to control the minds of the people. We will end one day but the universe will continue one way or another forever. Simple. ~ Pieter Uithol
Hay Lughead...if god doesnt exist...why are u still here!
Maybe a white hole was involved. (This is opposite of a black hole. Think about it...)
You people are immature and I am disgusted at the lack of humanity and understanding from all of you. I am a Christian, but I respect anyone who doesn't believe in the Bible. It's their choice, and I don't condemn them to Hell for it. People should learn to accept other the way they are, and stop being so judgmental on either part. Religious nuts back off. Atheist downers shut up.
Isn't it funny how the God believers get all cross, rude and insulting? Lovely people aren't they? So full of 'Gods love' LOL!
Mankind will never be truly civilized until we freely become a post religious society.
To all religious people who think that the bible makes sense, when it comes to this subject, just wow! When something obviously doesn't make sense in the bible, you simply say that that's not what that meant. It said "this", but not really. Good Argument. Measurable and obtainable evidence is key. It has to. By saying that the number 7 meant something holy is kinda like saying red are tomatoes. Seven is a "holy" number because is was they first number of really any importance to be mentioned in the book of genesis. Lets look at it this way. The bible in its self has been changed and re-interpreted thousands of times, not to mention translated. Many key phrases that one might read in the bible actually meant something completely different. I will be honest and say that the bible has some ethical properties to it, I can't argue that (well not completely). In the end religious people say not to take the bible literally. However, by coming up with some round-about-way of saying peter said 1000 years so maybe is was actually 1000 per 7 years is just that. It's not the bibles' fault that its readers are hypocrites. A book was written a long time ago by some people that had some moralistic cultural norms in which they thought would be important forever. It doesn't mention how slavery is bad, but we all know it is. To further help the scientific side of this argument and get back on topic, I will say this simply. Science is all about looking at something, wondering what it is, using current knowledge to figure out what is can be and how it works, then document. Someday that becomes knowledge and the cycle starts all over again. I'm done with this post and will continue to "Stumble Upon" various neat websites.
Science will win every time in this argument, science is the adaptation to progression, religion adapts to science, in terms of order who comes first?
I love this, Science overrules Religion any day no matter what time it ever is in this Universe. Science is the closest thing to Religion we have, that's just my thoughts.
That's because science is logic and reason, religion is neither.
The Bible was never meant to be taken literally. Great stories and great lessons but think for yourself and use common sense.
You've never actually read the Bible, have you? The Bible is loaded with disturbing stories and bad lessons.
FIrst there was light, then the sun *our source of light*, and then he made the stars *our sun is a star*. Clearly the story makes absolutely no sense.. from the beginning.
lol reading the comments is actually funnier than the post itself! keep on going people i like that!'ve all missed the point. No sense trying to tell you what it is. Unless you realize for yourselves you will not understand and simply you have been, to no avail.
Shut up and read, listen, life without trying to destroy one another.
You just don't get it do you?
That was a little mean. But c'mon. That was disappointing. Stumbled onto this page and found my hopes to be all high. Something in physics to sort of say what god was doing, which is blasphemy, by the way, then wah-lah. God sits around on his fucking hands for a long as time. Shit you could have at least said he made a girlfriend, a bunch of friends on facebook, had a bunch of sex, made a bunch of mistakes, deleted his facebook account - committing social suicide, and then decided to take it a little easier, and hang back for this next try and the last 2011 years are him taking extra special care not to be a control freak. See what happens when he lets people figure out their own things and decide whether or not they want to be his friends or not.
P.S. Time moves slowly around massive objects. GOD = MASSIVE - World quips by at OUR perceived pace. Seven days to god is seven days to god who is MASSIVE. Let me find my physics book and lets see how big something has to be to take 7 days to be equivalent to our 16.7 billion. P.S.S Dudes, God is really big. Think about it. Their are more possibilities then the bible is false. Sides, how many of you just look for certain things in the bible to justify your ego? You forget so much of it was translated. Dumb = like three different things in our language. Created possibly means more in other languages. Your all miserable in your own personally constructed hell aren't you.
What the hell are you talking about? Time is linear, however, when you travel at extremely high speeds, time slows down relative to everything else.
Two things:
1) Prove your statement
2) Everything I've ever heard about Yahweh suggests that he/it is in fact everywhere, it's not a massive entity, but instead Yahweh *is* everything.
What the hell is a "day" if earth and the sun don't even exist yet?
Yeah, thought about it, still not seeing any evidence to prove that statement...
Right, so the perfect word of a perfect being, needs to be translated multiple times (a book written by many people, most of whome never met, and was compiled selectively by authoritarian dictators thousands of years ago), and you believe it unquestioningly? Hahahah
Keep believing in things like "sin" there buddy, it's you who's living in your own hell.
This is stupid. I thought it would be interesting at first glance, but their I go judging a book to carefully by the cover again. See this is why the impressionable people in the world, which I have to say includes all of us, sometimes find calamity within the boundaries between science and religion. Admit it. YOU DONT GET IT. Then you can start to rebuild you ignoranous.
THIS IS GARBAGE FACTSS!! Those who do not see religion as an importance in life, should not diss it, and leave it alone. This idiot wrote about GOD ALMIGHTY, not knowing anything! Mann doesn't even know about the creation of everything! Sorry for being rude but anyoone who does this kind of crap sshould do it alone in their bedroom or something!
Religion is a blight on humanity.
yet religious people can talk freely about their beliefs, look down at people, hate people, and be responsible for millions of peoples deaths. hmm that makes sense. a world without religion would be better off truthfully. at least this can be proven, unlike god and any other theories that have to do with a higher power. please show me one piece of evidence and maybe i would start to take your point of view into consideration. why dont religious people stop dissing non religious people because i have heard too many times that im going to hell because i dont believe in god and that i should die for being gay or that im being ignorant. the only ignorance here is that people dont accept the fact that this is real and can be proven. much like evolution sorry but start listening to facts and not a 2000 year old book because that should not be the basis of how you live your life. i also think that religious beliefs are childish do you really need the idea that someone is going to judge you when you die and your "spirit" will live forever if you do good to make yourself feel better every night before you go to sleep? face it we will all die and theres nothing you can do about it. dont worry though you wont realize it and you wont go to heaven or hell because it doesnt exist.
religion is a waste, all the religious nuts call us people who use logic, heretics, and that is there only excuse. They know only how to say we commit sins and try to take our money. Religion will soon be faded so I'm not worried. I don't want to give "god" credit for my achievements. My younger brother died when he was 8, where was god? he didn't commit sins... its just life, physics, science. Im in disbelief people really waste there time with stories that some person that we don't know who, wrote a book (aka the bible). He probably sat down with his friends, smoked some ancient drugs and whipped up a story. Religion is responsible for most all wars and hatred. Please lets all put an end to this idiotic acts of god and enlightenment!
According to science matter creates itself from nothing and life creates itself with the ability to reproduce? Who believes in fairy tales??? So you believe you're reading this is simply an accident in spite of the absurdly astronomical odds and science contradicting itself.
read the M-theory, as explained by Stephen Hawking. The universe, indeed, the existence, can be explained with reason. And, the 'god' hypothesis has no place in it
with infinite time, and the expanding and retracting nature of the universe; all things are possible, no matter how minute the chances.
Religatard! That is perfect. Thank you for making my day
we know nothing - what was god doing before creating the universe? having lunch with his classmates before they started their science lab where they create a universe. we are a species stuck on our planet in a universe none of us can grasp the size of, yet we act like we know the answers...have some humility and be nice to one another.
The bible is about teachings, stories with morals. Not everything should be taken literally, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, moses walked the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. Perhaps this is just a saying translated from another language which simply means "a long time". Just because some fool scientist came along and did some math and comes up with 6,000 years doesn't make the teachings wrong. I think everyone is missing the bus on this one.
Fantastic. Another mockery of the Bible by an uneducated troll. I think we should all praise the author's lack of sensitivity along with the author's assumption that they are somehow more knowledgeable about what the Bible really says and means than the ones that actually study the Bible in context and search for the truth in the meaning. Congratulations, author. You are truly original.
I've read the bible from cover to cover. It's jam packed with rape, murder, slavery, genocide, torture, bad morality, and is incredibly inconsistent.
There's no valid reason for being "sensitive" towards this garbage.
Religion is stupid non-sense.
No reason at all to be sensitive towards the beliefs of a billion people or so. I was merely making a mockery of the beliefs shown in this post and questioning the intelligence of a position that is so clearly taken out of context. That is what this post is about, isn't it?
So the first portion of the Bible is wrong then? How can you take some things from the bible so literally and some things as metaphors?
I don't. Thanks for the ad hominem argument. I merely said this whole post was taken out out of context for the sake of amusing intolerant bigots.
I think it's so funny that everyone speaks so surely of themselves while arguing about religion. The reality is, is that NOBODY REALLY KNOWS THE TRUTH AS TO HOW WE CAME TO BE HERE. So stop insulting other people's beliefs, and STOP trying to convince the other side that your theory is the correct one. NEITHER CAN BE PROVEN. All anyone does by arguing about it is make themselves look callous. Just BE HAPPY and be able to accept the fact that YOU MIGHT BE WRONG. Live life instead of spending the little time you do have on Earth trying to figure out how and why you are here in first place. What a waste that is.
Evolution is not a "belief".......
actually it is for most people. A belief is simply trusting that a statement is true. Unless you are someone who has personally studied and tested evolution then you are taking what a scientist says as truth... i.e. a belief.
Its not a belief because we have tons of evidence to support the claim, there is no faith required. Quit spreading your FUD.
Where do humans tie into this evolution? If the scientific community is telling me we evolved from apes... why in the world are their still apes? Did we break off at some point and knew the secrets to become smarter, more advanced, and just didn't want to fill our idiot cousins in on it? Why are apes the same now as they were thousands of years ago. If we evolved, they would have evolved, even if just a little bit. But no, they are the same. WAY too much of an evolution 'gap' to prove humans came from evolution. other animals on the other hand have evolved.... maybe there will be a bird that evolves to be able create language and build machines.
If Americans exist, why does England still exist? (Since you're clearly uneducated, I'll point out that the US was originally part of England).
Evolution takes more than a few thousand years.
We are in fact, still evolving.
You're an idiot. You know nothing of evolution, yet are all to ready to say falsehoods about it. What "gap" are you talking about? There is no "gap" in human evolution, scientists know exactly what our origins are.
Feel like waiting a few hundred million years so we can find out?
I wish people would take a college astronomy class before they begin commenting.
I wish people could believe in the fact that there are Christians that are hard core scientists. But then I guess that makes them idiots...
the vast majority of scientists are not religious. Education and religocity is inversely proportional..
Haters gonna hate. If you have religion, good for you. What's so bad about believing in something? If you're an atheist, I'm glad you're comfortable with everything just ending. Just because you can't have faith in something you can't see, doesn't mean others are wrong for doing it. My theory is, what are you losing for having religion? If you end up being wrong in the end, you just die. Nothing else. But, if you spend you're whole life not believing, and it ends up being true... Yep. Besides, what does Christianity or anything hinder you from? Doing drugs, partying, drinking, having sex with everyone.. Oh, my. You're SO miss out on freakin' everything, don't you? Ha. Think about it. Oh, and it also requires a bit of commitment. Which, we also know, that the human race is notorious for sucking in that department. Goodbye.
You just summarized Pascal's Wager.
Also, being an atheist doesn't mean you have no morals.
agreed im an atheist i was raised by the morals of my family not by the morals of a outdated book
Now do Islam! Or Hinduism! Or Buddhism! Oh, you don't know shit about religion and aren't sensitive to the fact that there are other more philosophical reasons why someone might choose to believe in a deity than try to take out the fact that some nut attempted to force a religion down your throat by trying to force your own point of view down someone else's? I see. I suppose I'll just go to the trillions of other sites which attempt to do the exact same thing as this one. Thanks!
I have no idea what you just said. I'll just assume you're an idiot. :)
hes saying that its ignorant to try to force our beliefs down eachothers throats to prove ourselves whereas the anon who started this made an ignorant statement as to saying we hate god because we dont believe in him or are saying this is an illogical statement. and maybe he should go to another religious website where they try to force religion down his throat
it's all relative Einstein calculated that the universe was created in 6 days if you look at it from the perspective of the universe as a whole but it is still 15 billions years from earth's perspective. This is a common case of someone ignorant to both science and the Bible taking a side in an argument that doesn't exist. If you want to have a better understanding of the relationship between the two read some of the stuff Einstein wrote and look up the book The Science of God
Einstein was NOT a theist. He was NOT a christian. HE did NOT believe in gods.
His theory of relativity says nothing about 6 days being 13.75 billion years; instead it pertained to the speed of light and objects moving at such speeds. Stop embedding your dogma in solid scientific theories that have nothing to do with religion or gods.
atheist is one word idiot
Correction, you are an idiot.
a theist is what he meant. "a" being a separate word.
Einstein was a Christian...
First off, Einstein was born a Jew.
Both those quotes are from Einstein himself.
What was universe like before everything started? Something came out absolutely nothing? How big is the Universe itself?
God came out absolutely nothing?
This is an epic troll. congratz to the creator of this! loving it.
Wow, we get hate God
Logic fail, you can't make the theory on the right subject to the time frame of the theory on the left. An infinite being would not experience time in the same way that we do. By definition an Omnipotent is not subject to time constraints or he would not be infinite. Just saying. I know this is mostly a joke, but it falls flat when the basic logic is not there.
Lol, if you actually applied logic, the concept of a personal god would be the first thing out the window. There's absolutely nothing logical when it comes to a belief in god or gods, it's entirely an emotional one made by weak minded individuals who cannot deal with their mortality.
Religion was not created by weak minded individuals. It was created by the very few brightest of individuals in order to keep control of the many weak minded individuals (how do I get all these idiots to stop killing each other and pay me taxes?). Stop telling them it's wrong. It's been a lot of work to get them to blindly do the shit we have them do.
That still doesn't deal with the inherent problems in the comparison. You can't compare two incompatible systems and try and make it look all scientific, even if it is just trying to be a joke. The joke then rebounds on the person making the illogical comparison. No matter what your stance is on the existence of such a deity, logic dictates that you should take all features of the philosophical viewpoint into account when making a comparison. Try to put aside your childish preconceptions for a minute and look at it as an objective researcher would. Or is that not possible for weak-minded individuals?
You also can't apply science/logic/reason to any god, as by all definitions of gods, they are always an ineffable claim.
If you told me there's a purple dragon in your room that only appears when no one is looking, then there's no way for me (or anyone else) to verify that claim. You can say "I believe" or "I have faith" in the dragon, but that really doesn't mean anything, since it doesn't bring your claim any closer to being proven.
Lets do that. Feel free to let me in on the viewpoints that are 'belief in god(s)', and we can compare.
Childish? You mean rational. Any objective person knows the inherent problem with belief in gods right away. Simple question, feel free to make your best apologist response:
If god created the universe, who created god?
Your answers will of course be one of two options:
A) He created himself
B) He's always existed
In either case, an easily dismantled claim. If god has always existed, why couldn't the universe have always existed? If god created himself, why can the universe have created itself?
Humans have trouble grappling with concepts like this, which is why they feel the need to create a god to have done it, it makes things simpler to understand; the problem is, this new god variable, only makes things that much more complicated and solves nothing.
For me, it would take more faith to believe that everything around us, the whole universe and life itself in its endless complexity, could have arisen from pure chance. Logically, it makes sense to come to the conclusion that something must have created this complexity. If you come upon a house in the middle of a desert, you don't come to the conclusion that it just happened to be constructed from the random movements of the sand. That's an illogical conclusion. Similarly, when I look at a bacterial flagella, which bears an eerie resemblance to a radial engine (, I come to the conclusion that it was created by an intelligent designer. I believe, it was created by God.
Nothing you have said in any way makes up for the faults in the comparison. You are making the false assumption that you are talking to someone who feels the need to defend a belief in a supernatural being. I see no such need, I simply pointed out the logical fallacy in the comparison that makes it a weak postulation. Make sure you know who you are talking to next time before wasting your time on unnecessary ramblings.
The classic response, "I don't need to prove anything! I'm just right! OKAY!!!!"
Have fun with that, I'm sure you'll win a lot of arguments that way.
I'm not trying to win an argument, you seem to be conducting your own one sided argument with a fictitious opponent. Are you the one who created the faulty comparison? That explains the problems with logic both in the original comparison and in your misdirected replies here.
You've sidestepped everything I've said so far.
There is nothing wrong with comparing the two claims as they are both supposed theories on the origins of the universe. You can't whine that they cannot be compared simply because your claim doesn't stand up to logical analysis...
There is no strawman here, you're clearly attempting to defend a belief in god(s).
I think the majority of people accept God because it provides them the security blanket of knowing that there is a purpose to life. Religion is such a funny thing. It seems as though people generally think logically about things throughout their daily endeavors, but once the topic of religion comes up the most random unreasonable causes for the creation of our universe come pouring out. I'm an agnostic individual, so I cannot say that a God doesn't exist, because I don't know. No one does. I take the bible as a book full of fables meant to provide a moral outline for life rather than one meant to be taken literally. It will be interesting to see how many still claim to be religious 50 years from now.
Im still looking in the bible where it says he created the earth in 6 (24 hour) days. Hmph. Maybe it wasnt 24 hour days. Maybe they were thousands of years long. Since in 2 Peter 3:8 it says, "A day with God is like a thousand years". Since the sun wasn't created till the 4th day, how can you put a earthly time limit on it. Something to think about.
He created the sun three days after creating light? Or, rather, as you are suggesting, 3,000 years?
Regardless of which, you're still coming up several billion years short.
If you are unfamiliar with the bible, this could make sense. When they wrote God created the world in 7 days, 7 is a holy number, meaning purity. This shows that he did create the earth, in what timeline they are unsure, but it is to be a perfect process. Yes in peter he does state that each day is LIKE a thousand years to God, not that it IS exactly a thousand years,which is merely a way to represent an astonishing large number that people could fathom. The bible was written by men who didn't understand the cosmic scope of the universe, obviously they weren't able to convey the vastness of time on the scale we understand now. It's metaphorical; It's a way of us expressing time. When thinking about the eternal concept of God, we really still have no clue. It's all how we perceive it.
I love how the bible is not only to be taken literally... but you can randomly take it as euphemism! "A thousand years" doesn't mean a thousand years, it means a lot more!
I'm going to assume "god" is a euphemism too. Thanks!
Shut the f*ck up, religitard.
Wow, you must be astonishingly smart to be able to come up with that remark. And we are all suppose to accept you views while they are continually revised as you figure out all the mistakes. . .
If we are to assume God is omnipotent, then what is to say God did not create an old Universe.
I don't see why people have to pick one or the other. Maybe God just set it all in motion billions, or trillions, of years ago. We can only see so far into the depths of space so who knows how much more is out there. The Bible can be taken in different ways, it was written by man and man is fallible. But man also studies the universe. There was a time when Gorillas, Pandas, and Tigers were thought of in the same way we think of Unicorns today. I don't think it's fair to call anyone who believes in a God a crackpot just because you don't agree because you don't have hard evidence. I know that some religions and people are extreme, but many of us believe everyone has the right to think what they want and as long as you're a decent person it doesn't matter. Plus, if I die and there is no God, my belief in him during my life isn't going to hurt me and my belief in science doesn't hurt my faith in God because my understanding of him differs from people like the YEC.
Also just wanted to share this with you; someone I know told me that she, "believes in dinosaurs, just not that they existed as long ago as scientists say they do." Simply because she doesn't understand how they can date the bones. People like that make me sad for humanity.
My version goes a little differently, I can wait till they put the Webb telescope up there and they find paradoxes of time... such as ancient galaxies and stars at the edge of the universe which will revise the age of the universe once more. There is a Big difference between God and peoples conception of God.
Thanks for contributing, pal. Why don't you scurry off and go... pray for something. Or whatever it is you crackpots do.
So sad. An ad hominem. Why are you so threatened by dissent?
And if they do revise it again, would that be a bad thing?
Religion doesn't change, does that somehow make it correct? (total non sequitur thinking right there)
Religion changes almost more than science. Every week in church I hear the same passages I have heard throughout my entire life, with a different meaning, a different message. Some taken literally, only next time to be a metaphor for some other behavior. The Catholics literally change rules every month. Some stuff is removed, other stuff added.
lol, bc the 100% infallible evidence for or against god will be found on
however, I believe this video will answer all of your questions:
Yeah. Just think how advances we'ed be if God had got off his butt a billion years
i was most interested by the fact about the pixel height at the end
and girls
P.S.S.S S.S.S.S. Break out of the box. There is a lot more room to breath out here in the real world. P.S ^ 1000 - Kinda funny though. You must have been just as bored as you presume god to have been. Still a little funny. Its been real its been fun, but not real fun you guys.
loving kindness, compassion, kindess of heart - being Christ-like doesn't hurt anyone, getting worked up about the Bible and its literal translation seems like a waste of your energy. This timeline is tasteless, thumbs down.